Le 07/01/2012 00:13, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
What you really need is not call dsp_run more often *after* the cpu
emulation, it's to call dsp_run every 4 or 8 cycles *while* emulating
*every* cpu instructions (the same things that winuae does in the most
precise 68000 cycle exact mode).
But doing that is really complicated, because you need to know the
inner working of each 68030 instruction, and that's unfortunately not
described in any official doc.
Yes, I agree here.
For now, I don't try to be that accurate (and it wouldn't make sense
from my point of view, as DSP and 68030 are working with different clocks).
This kind of optimisations would be for a specific case and would
necessite a lot of energy to code it.
I'm more trying to have a "cycle accurate" 68030 because it's it who
drives all the other components (and the DSP).
I'm soon going to start the videl emu.
I already tried it once last year, but there's a problem for now : the
video code is too much melted in many hatari functions.
I don't want to add some if falcon else STE everywhere in hatari to
point on the videl code or the video code.
(I managed to split properly crossbar and stedma sound, because SteDma
sound was not too much melted into hatari's source.
Video source is a nightmare (it's called from too much other sources).
Do you think it would be possible to separate the calls of video.c
before I split, just to do it cleanly ?