Re: [hatari-devel] joystick subsystem patch for configurable axis mapping

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Le 13/12/2011 18:04, Matthias Arndt a écrit :
Am Dienstag, den 13.12.2011, 17:55 +0100 schrieb Nicolas Pomarède:
Le 13/12/2011 17:47, Matthias Arndt a écrit :


you do :

+                if(strncmp(thismapping->SDLJoystickName,
SDL_JoystickName(i),strlen(thismapping->SDLJoystickName)) == 0)

this means that if SDL reports "USB Gamepad xyz" or "USB Gamepad 123" it
will match with your table "USB Gamepad".

Is this the expected behaviour (substring matching) ? Or would it be
better to use strcmp to get exact matching ?  (I don't know, I don't
have any joystick)

For the time being yes, it is. The problem is that the SDL reported
names seem to be padded at times. Basically having a proper USB ID
mapping would be what is needed but SDL (ofcourse) is abstracted from
the hardware. I also don't want to add too much dynamic memory
management as of yet, just to fit the length of the strings.

I can try to make that name a lot more more explicit.

As stated, this is a temporary solution with the intend to have this
data read and stored into the configuration file.

Leave it this way, that's fine with me. I will commit it later.

BTW if you don't have a joystick/pad yet, cheap USB ones cost 7 to 10€.
Great to test, esp as such a cheap one caused the trouble here.

I could even get some free one, it's just I never needed it (I don't play that much, that's the problem when your time is spent trying to improve the emulation :) )


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