[hatari-devel] TOS3 crashes now on startup with <8MB RAM |
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It's quite a while since I last tested TOS3.06,
but it doesn't seem to work anymore with latest
Hatari, when <8MB of ram is used:
hatari -s 4 --machine tt --tos tos306us.img -d .
Results in following when TOS memory test ends:
Bus error wput at 0041fffe
Bus error wput at ffd000e0
Bus error wput at 0141fffe
Address Error during exception, new PC=$ffffffff
Address Error during exception 2/3, aborting new PC=$ffffffff
If I interrupt the memory test, instead of Address Errors,
I get:
No GEMDOS dir '/home/eero/work/hatari/build-gcc/temp/AUTO'
Your Atari program just did something terribly stupid:
Your Atari program just did something terribly stupid:
With 8 or 14MB it seems to work fine.
- Eero