Re: [gluon] Re :Re: kgllib and KGL : fusion ?

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So, What's gluon? I propose this definition :
"Gluon is a collection of library which help the developpers to program games." So I said "collection" and not "library".

If he want to create a game with sound, he just have to link with -lKAL
If he want to create a simple control games, he just have to link with -lKCL

So, now if he want to make a games with Ogre, and with sound and with inputs...
He can link his program with : -lKAL, -lKCL, lKOGRE
In this case, he will have a powerfull interaction between KDE widgets and Ogre engine.

So, now what about the current libGluon which provide the fusion between KAL,KCL,KGL in one lib and some feature.
I think It must be deleted or just change his role. Maybe gluoncreator only ?

Maybe in the futur we will create new lib like  a game network lib, or a webcam controller ! For example KOpenCV...
As you can see the name is too bad... Maybe we need to rename each lib with Gluon Prefix ? Like DirectInput, DirectDraw...

GluonInput = >KCL
GluonSound => KAL
GLuonDraw = > KGL
GluonOgre => Ogre
GluonCrystalSpace ?
GluonWebcam ?

Or more specific name :

So... That's all!

2009/10/6 Rivo Laks <rivolaks@xxxxxx>
Ühel kenal päeval (teisipäev, 06 oktoober 2009) kirjutas istdasklar@xxxxxxxxx:
> Hi,
> Currently I m thinking to create 2 KGL API. In the same way of directX with
> direct2d and direct3d, I suggest KGL2d and KGL3d.
> KGL2d should be the current work and a lot of work from Rivo.( shaders, fps
> counter, camera()). I changed some part of kgllib code to insert inside
> KGL2d.
> Now KGL3d will use OGRE. Ogre is the perfect lib that I found! It's a 3d
> engine only, then it can work with KAL and KCL. It's compatible with qt and
> it's compatible with openGL ES. I m currently trying to make a
> KGLOgreWidget.
> In this way KGL3d will have the powerfull of OGRE and ODE.
> small resume :
> KGL2d = QtOpenGL with Items+kgllib code+ Box2D physics engine.
> KGL3d = Ogre + ODE physics engine.
> Then We need some renaming : I suggest for example :
> KGL2dView for 2d rendering
> KGL3dView for Ogre rendering
> Or maybe :
> KGL2dView and KGLOgreView...
> So, we need to discute about it. But now, I think it's very possible to
> port gluon to maemo 5. Maybe we can ask the question to Nokia and win a
> Nokia N 900 ? :) :) :)!!

Ok, I suppose the real question might be, how light- or heavyweight do you
want KGL to be.
So far I was under impression that Gluon tries to be quite lightweight which
games could use without pulling in too many dependancies.
I think Ogre itself is a huge library and it seems to be pretty complete too.
If you make KGL users use Ogre, then why shouldn't they use Ogre directly?
That is, what benefits would using it through KGL give them?

KGLLib's aim on the other hand is to be quite lightweight and at least
theoretically, you should be able to include it's source code within your
application's sources, if you don't want to introduce another dependancy.

About separating 2d and 3d, maybe you can come up with a common library that
can handle both 2d as well as 3d? It might make things easier for application
developers, especially if they want to use both 2d and 3d (not sure how
realistic it is though) or adapt from 2d to 3d.


Gluon is a high-level game development library for the KDE desktop enviornment.

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