Transf :Re: [gluon] Gluon avatar!

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Thanks eugene, very nice!! I will do the application tonight!

Ken :
That's a good idea! For example we can do it like Icon Desktop! Many icon theme! ( Oxygen, Air, etc....) ! We just have to provide some FacePack! For example the facePack of eugene will be called : facePack-regular.
In this case we must set a standardization with a minimal feature : For example , 6 hair type, 6 nose type ....
I will do the application tonight ( seems to be easy, exept the color fill) , and I will send you tonight.

---------- Message transféré ----------
De : Ken Vermette <vermette@xxxxxxxxx>
Date : 26 juil. 2009 05:08
Objet : Re: [gluon] Gluon avatar!
À : gluon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc :

> On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 9:35 PM, Eugene Trounev eugene.trounev@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> OK attached is an SVG file with a few face parts. And an example of what an
> assembled one may look like (that's me :D )
> Start with this and we will add more later
> I've re-typed this paragraph 5 times, and I can't get the wording right; So bear with me while I try to explain;
> I think if we make some sort of avatar system, that the avatars it makes be based more on a spec than a look. For example, we could make a cartoonish avatar system, but it would only be good for cartoonish games. We could have a very sleek stylized look, but then the avatars might be out of place in a more fantastic style. I guess what I'm getting at, is that should we build an avatar system, it should be more like a shell for various avatars read from styles provided by games - based on a singular format, that should be backwards and forwards compatible.
> So, we have a gluon avatar system. The avatar system includes a base set of things like noses and the like, and configuration files on how the parts all fit together. The default look; Some sort of middle-ground style like the xbox avatars or the miis. Now, say I'm developing a game where the look is very stylized; I want to use avatars, but the default avatar set is nothing like the look I'm going for, and including the avatars that come with the system would ruin the look of my game. So instead, I make an avatar "Style" or "Skin" package, one that includes all the same parts as the original avatars. Because, say, the jawlines on my versions of the heads are slightly different than the jawlines on the default style - my configuration files are adjusted to match.
> Now, back in the avatar editor, when I preview my avatar I now have a drop-down that lets me preview my avatar as how it might look in different games, very much like how all the different card games on KDE allow you to change the style of the cards.
> The only problem with this is that it makes things more complex when it actually comes to producing an avatar in code; So if we did something like this, we might want a mini-library or function games can call that produces a pixmap on-the-fly of a given style of avatar. This will also help keep things consistent.
> Other than that, would we want to have the avatars include things like expressions (Happy, sad, angry), angles (because this is all 2D, sidescrollers might want a head for side-views, whereas some games might want front views) , and "set" clothing styles? And how do we want games to access gluon avatars? Do we want games modifying/creating avatars?
> Anywho, that's my 2 cents!

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