Re: [gluon] Gluon avatar!

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On Saturday 25 July 2009 16:17:51 idk wrote:
> Dear Graphist, I have a request for you, if you want
> I propose to make an Avatar geneator for gluon games.. Like Mii on wii. 
> So, it will be cool if you draw some face, some noose, ear .... Like the
> potatoes man.
> This is an example :
>  ( verry good)
> Each part of this, can be done in SVG file.
> After the community can help us and improve the graphics Library.
> If you are interested, answer me . ( Ken, peter, ikit , eugene ?)
> this picture is me![image: WeeMee_16021816_for_istdasklar.jpg]

  i would strongly suggest getting in touch with the GGZ people about this - 
making something like this available for a wider variety of systems would be 
the most prudent course of action, i believe. That is, write up a small 
description of how such a system would work, send it to various FLOSS gaming 
email lists, such as the GGZ list, and perhaps also to a few of the web sites 
which provide news for linux and other open source games, try and get them to 
pick up our attempt at providing a generic avatar system for open source games 
and such :)

...Dan // Leinir..

                          or no

                          - Piet Hein

Gluon is a high-level game development library for the KDE desktop enviornment.

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