Re: [fusil] [PATCH] Add -i option for displaying the instruction pointer

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Le Monday 26 January 2009 21:11:58 Mark Seaborn, vous avez écrit :
> Here's a patch to add the -i option that the regular strace supports.

Oh, cool, a new contribution to python-ptrace ;-)

> A minor problem is that it doesn't work on the exit_group() syscall.

I choosed to read the instruction pointer in PtraceSyscall instead of directly.

>          if self.options.show_pid:
> -            text = "[%s] %s" % (, text)
> +            text = "[pid %s] %s" % (, text)
>          error(text)

Why did you add "pid " prefix? I prefer to keep a short prefix. So it now 
looks like (show ip and pid):

[16166][0xffffe410] close(1)                                 = 0
[16166][0xffffe410] munmap(0xb7ccb000, 4096)                 = 0
[16166][0xffffe410] exit_group(0)

or (show only pid)

[16172] close(1)                                 = 0
[16172] munmap(0xb7cc9000, 4096)                 = 0
[16172] exit_group(0)

or (show only ip)

[0xffffe410] close(1)                                 = 0
[0xffffe410] munmap(0xb7bf2000, 4096)                 = 0
[0xffffe410] exit_group(0)

Thanks for your contribution. I added your name to the AUTHORS.

Victor Stinner aka haypo

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