RE: [eledmac] reledmac problem(s) |
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Thank you very much.
I am most grateful for reledmac and for your time.
P de B.
-----Original Message-----
From: Maïeul Rouquette [mailto:maieul@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 12 June 2018 15:57
To: eledmac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [eledmac] reledmac problem(s)
Dear Pádraig,
sorry for the delay, I was very busy.
1. You should use \AtEveryStanza{\vskip 1cm} to get 1 cm of vertical
skip at every stanza. To insert it for a specific stanza, use optional
argument of \stanza : \stanza[\vskip 1cm].
2. Your used \arrangementX[A]{paragraph} which set the arrangement of
*familiar* foonotes (that is with foonotemark) and not of criticla
footnotes (that is with linenumber and lemma). You must use
3. For now, there is no way to have paragraphed footnotes divised
equally between left and right side, as paragraphed footnote can't be
spliited divided by TeX (or, more precisly, I found no way).
Best regards
Le vendredi 08 juin 2018 à 21:44 +0100, Pádraig De Brun a écrit :
> Dear Sir,
> Sorry to trouble you.
> I have failed (1) to insert vertical space between the stanzas of the
> attached and (2) to have the critical notes in paragraph form. I
> should also like to have the footnotes divided equally between the
> facing pages, if that is possible.
> Please help (if you can spare the time).
> Pádraig de Brún
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