[eledmac] Need testers

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Dear all reledmac users,

I am proud to tell you that I have, I hope, finished to implement a new feature asked  many times : the possibility to add second line number associated with a line of verses, for example to refer to an older lineation.

I would be happy if some of you could test the branch « issue602 » (read to know how to do it https://github.com/maieul/ledmac#debug-and-feature-requests).

There should have two types of tests:
- General test to be sur I have not broken features (I don’t think so, as the comparisons of my MWE are ok). 
- Testing the feature, if it corresponds to your needs. The handbook is enclosed, you should read the § 9.10 (I am too tired to check for English spelling, but I will do it later)

All the feedback should be done on https://github.com/maieul/ledmac/issues/602
Notes that you must delete your .aux file before testing this branch

Best regards,


Attachment: reledmac.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Ps: the release number is not fixed yet.

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