Re: [eledmac] Re: multiple LaTeX runs needed

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It is possible the reminder is bugged. For this point, I will trust more in latexmk, which looks  on the stability of the auxiliary files, than to reledmac.

Le 11 avr. 2016 à 13:36, Marjorie Burghart <marjorie.burghart@xxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> Thanks! 
> I tried that and it works, but with one of my files I keep getting the reminder, even though latexmk says everything is up-to-date. And if I run again xelatex manually on this file, I still get the reminder telling me, invariably, that I must run LaTeX two more times. 
> I'm guessing there's a problem with this particular file (which is very long, 161 A4 pages). 
> Any idea what I should check in the file, that could be triggering this issue? 
> Best, Marjorie
>> You should use latexmk. Read
> Le 10 avr. 2016 à 00:32, Marjorie Burghart <marjorie.burghart@xxxxxxxx> a écrit :
>>> Dear all, 
>>> I am a reledmac (and LaTeX) newbie, so please forgive my probably very silly questions :) 
>>> When I compile my .tex file with xelatex, I get the following "reledmac reminder" in the log file: 
>>> The number of the footnotes in this section has changed since the last run.
>>> You will need to run LaTeX two more times before the footnote placement
>>> and line numbering in this section are correct.
>>> (the number of necessary runs may vary).
>>> What I do not get is why I see this message even if it is the first time I rum xelatex on this file. 
>>> I would need to know how many latex runs are necessary for each file, because I do on-the-fly a server-side transformations to serve ready-to-read PDFs to the users. 
>>> I've tried running xelatex 3 times on each file, but for one thing it slows down the process, and for another it is not always enough. 
>>> Thanks in advance for your helps! 
>>> Marjorie

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