Re: [eledmac] Problems with reledmac/reledpar

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Le 21 mars 2016 à 12:08, <wiewiorka2004-varia@xxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> Dear Maïeul:
> Thank you very much for your help. So is it possible that the crashing was a result of this missuse (pstart and stanza with &)? Normally I'd hope a mistake-message and not a crashing.  Anyway, thanks for the explanation. 

It produces an error message. I think your crash is from your GUI. Try to run the bad code direclty with the terminal and let me know.

> Talking about stanza... I don't understand what problem resolves the "astanza" environment (reledpar manual,  p. 14). Would you recomend me to use astanza instead of stanza in this kind of edition? Would it be better? Why? 
With \stanza, the parallelism is made line of verse by line of verse, while with astanza the parallelism is made atsanza block by astanza block. 
I think, however, than the with the shiftedpstarts option, the astanza tools is not required any more, but I am not exactly sure :-)

> Only one question more: How could I add a blank (empty) line between the  stanzes of one poem? I obtain no result with vspace or \\[amount cm.]. I know another ways, but normally referred to the whole document, and not to its parts.     

Use \vspace inside  \newverse optional argument or \&. Read § 8.8 of the reledmac handbook and look on the file example/4-reledpar_verse_text_between.tex
> Thanks  a lot again.
> Best regards,
> Josep
> PS: I have seen you have another list on  . Would you prefer that I write, if I'd have more problems, via that web site or may I use this mail-way?  
Doesn't matter.  But on it is easier finding by search engine. And if you add good point to my answer, it help me to ask question for technical reledmac inhancement.

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