Re: [eledmac] Problems with reledmac/reledpar

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Dear Josep,

effectivly, I did'nt receipt your previous answer. So, no, it is ok.

You don't need to use \pstart…\pend if you use \stanza and &. Each verse is, by itself, a \pstart…\pend structure.

To have not to repeat the 0 and infinity time. Cf § 8.3 of reledmac handbook.


Le 21 mars 2016 à 10:03, wiewiorka2004-varia@xxxxxxxx a écrit :

> Dear Maïeul:
> I had sent to you an answer to your prior email, but I see now that I have done it from an email other than the one I used to subscribe to the list. So, I'm afraid you have not received my answer and for that reason I write a new email... with new informations.
> The firs thing,  a piece of code:
> %!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
> \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{book}
> %Comment the following to have chapters numbered without interruption (numbering through parts)
> %\makeatletter\@addtoreset{chapter}{part}\makeatother%
> \usepackage{polyglossia,fontspec,xunicode}
> \usepackage{libertine}
> \setmainlanguage{catalan}
> \setotherlanguage{polish}
> \usepackage{reledmac}
> \usepackage{reledpar}
> \sethangingsymbol{[\,}
> \maxchunks{5120}
> %\numberlinefalse 
> \begin{document}
> \begin{pages}
> \begin{Leftside}
> \selectlanguage{polish}
> %\date{}
> \beginnumbering
> \setstanzaindents{7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
> %\setcounter{stanzaindentsrepetition}{0}
> %\pstart
> %\begin{center}
> %\textbf{\textit{\huge{Liryki zebrane}}}\\[40ex]
> %\end{center}
> %
> %\textbf{\Large{Pieśń ludzi wesołych}}\\[4ex]
> %\pvp{Pieśń ludzi wesołych}
> \stanza 
> My, ludzie weseli,&
> kochający radość wdzięcznie i po prostu&
> jak młodego mężczyznę lub młodą kobietę,&
> rozpoczynamy tę pieśń o cierpieniu,&
> pieśń na cześć cierpienia.\&
> \stanza 
> Nie jak asceta, ale jak higienista,&
> nie jak święty,&
> ale jak człowiek uprawiający&
> codzienną gimnastykę,&
> chwalimy&
> moc jego i boskie powściąganie,&
> a także ociężałość, bo wspaniałe jest&
> jak bardzo głęboka woda.&
> I samo w sobie zawierając się, nie pragnie&
> niczego z zewnątrz.&
> Samo sobie wystarcza.\&
> \stanza 
> Ani nie niszczy go, jak pięknośći, czas.&
> Ani nie niszczy go, jak mądrości, śmierć.&
> Z ciał{} zagasłych przeskakuje&
> w żywe, wnika w nie,&
> jak zapach właściwy, jak&
> dusza odpowiednio ukształtowana.\&
> %\pend
> \endnumbering 
> \end{Leftside}
> \begin{Rightside}
> \selectlanguage{catalan}
> \beginnumbering
> \setstanzaindents{7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
> %\setcounter{stanzaindentsrepetition}{0}
> %\pstart
> %\begin{center}
> %\textbf{\textit{\huge{Poemes reunits}}}\\[40ex]
> %\end{center}
> %\textbf{\Large{Cançó de la gent alegre}}\\[4ex]
> %\pvc{Cançó de la gent...}
> \stanza 
> Nosaltres, la gent alegre,&
> que estimem la joia amb agraïment i senzillesa,&
> com si fossin un home o una dona joves,&
> iniciem aquesta cançó sobre el patiment,&
> aquesta cançó en honor del patiment.\&
> \stanza 
> No com un asceta, sinó com un higienista,&
> no com un sant,&
> sinó com qui practica&
> la seva gimnàstica quotidiana,&
> lloem&
> la seva potència i la seva contenció divina,&
> i també la seva pesantor, car és magnífica&
> com l'aigua ben fonda.&
> I, tot contenint-se en si mateix, no anhela&
> res de fora.&
> Es basta a si mateix\&
> \stanza 
> Ni l'anihila, com fa amb la bellesa, el temps.&
> Ni l'anihila, com fa amb la intel·ligència, la mort.&
> Des dels cossos extints salta&
> als vius, els penetra,&
> com l'olor pròpia, com&
> una ànima formada com cal.\&
> %\pend
> \endnumbering
> \end{Rightside}
> \end{pages}
> \Pages
> \end{document}
> In the code included in the prior email you probably have not received there was a mistake referred to the versification (I had forgotten an "&" at the end of a line). Moreover I didn't add the "\setstanzaindents{7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}" command because I didn't understand it was manadatory. Now, with this renewed version of the code,  I can compile without problems  *unless I activate the pstart/pend commands*. If they are activated, so *the compilation process is infinite and I must interrupt it by closing the program I use* (TexStudio on Ubuntu 14.04).  As I wrote in the prior mail I use the last version of your program (downloaded from CTAN the same day of my firs contact).
> I have a new question after adding  "\setstanzaindents{7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}". Must it allways  be so? If I had a stanza with, for example, 100 verse, would I must write 100 zeros too? I supose it isn't so, but I'm not sure. The texts I'm working with have normaly no indentation. I find it would be more logical to indicate only the lines which have indetation, for example: 5(3) = verse number five has a 3cm indantation. I supose, however, I have something missunderstood.     
> Thanks a lot for your attention and excuse me for the mistake with the previous mail.
> Best regards,
> Josep

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