Dear Maïeul:
I had sent to you an answer to your prior email, but I see now that I have done it from an email other than the one I used to subscribe to the list. So, I'm afraid you have not received my answer and for that reason I write a new email... with new informations.
The firs thing, a piece of code:
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
%Comment the following to have chapters numbered without interruption (numbering through parts)
%\textbf{\textit{\huge{Liryki zebrane}}}\\[40ex]
%\textbf{\Large{Pieśń ludzi wesołych}}\\[4ex]
%\pvp{Pieśń ludzi wesołych}
My, ludzie weseli,&
kochający radość wdzięcznie i po prostu&
jak młodego mężczyznę lub młodą kobietę,&
rozpoczynamy tę pieśń o cierpieniu,&
pieśń na cześć cierpienia.\&
Nie jak asceta, ale jak higienista,&
nie jak święty,&
ale jak człowiek uprawiający&
codzienną gimnastykę,&
moc jego i boskie powściąganie,&
a także ociężałość, bo wspaniałe jest&
jak bardzo głęboka woda.&
I samo w sobie zawierając się, nie pragnie&
niczego z zewnątrz.&
Samo sobie wystarcza.\&
Ani nie niszczy go, jak pięknośći, czas.&
Ani nie niszczy go, jak mądrości, śmierć.&
Z ciał{} zagasłych przeskakuje&
w żywe, wnika w nie,&
jak zapach właściwy, jak&
dusza odpowiednio ukształtowana.\&
%\textbf{\textit{\huge{Poemes reunits}}}\\[40ex]
%\textbf{\Large{Cançó de la gent alegre}}\\[4ex]
%\pvc{Cançó de la gent...}
Nosaltres, la gent alegre,&
que estimem la joia amb agraïment i senzillesa,&
com si fossin un home o una dona joves,&
iniciem aquesta cançó sobre el patiment,&
aquesta cançó en honor del patiment.\&
No com un asceta, sinó com un higienista,&
no com un sant,&
sinó com qui practica&
la seva gimnàstica quotidiana,&
la seva potència i la seva contenció divina,&
i també la seva pesantor, car és magnífica&
com l'aigua ben fonda.&
I, tot contenint-se en si mateix, no anhela&
res de fora.&
Es basta a si mateix\&
Ni l'anihila, com fa amb la bellesa, el temps.&
Ni l'anihila, com fa amb la intel·ligència, la mort.&
Des dels cossos extints salta&
als vius, els penetra,&
com l'olor pròpia, com&
una ànima formada com cal.\&
In the code included in the prior email you probably have not received there was a mistake referred to the versification (I had forgotten an "&" at the end of a line). Moreover I didn't add the "\setstanzaindents{7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}" command because I didn't understand it was manadatory.. Now, with this renewed version of the code, I can compile without problems *unless I activate the pstart/pend commands*. If they are activated, so *the compilation process is infinite and I must interrupt it by closing the program I use* (TexStudio on Ubuntu 14.04). As I wrote in the prior mail I use the last version of your program (downloaded from CTAN the same day of my firs contact).
I have a new question after adding "\setstanzaindents{7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}". Must it allways be so? If I had a stanza with, for example, 100 verse, would I must write 100 zeros too? I supose it isn't so, but I'm not sure. The texts I'm working with have normaly no indentation. I find it would be more logical to indicate only the lines which have indetation, for example: 5(3) = verse number five has a 3cm indantation. I supose, however, I have something missunderstood.
Thanks a lot for your attention and excuse me for the mistake with the previous mail.
Best regards,
El Viernes 18 de marzo de 2016 20:24, Maïeul Rouquette <maieul@xxxxxxxxxx> escribió:
Dear Josep,
could you provides a MWE ? Could you also tells us which version of reledmac / reledpar do you use ?
With what you explain, it is not possible to help you.
http://blog.maieul.net 18 mars 2016 à 20:20, <
wiewiorka2004-varia@xxxxxxxx> a écrit :
> Good evening, list!
> I'm preparing a double-page edition of poems. On one page I have the original texts and, in the other, the translated version. I am using for the first time reledpar package (thoug I had a certain experience of ledpar) and I work on a Ubuntu platform. I do not know why, when I try to compile using both XeLaTeX or pdflatex, I obtain some absurd errors, such as:
> "Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted) ... nihila, the bellesa com fa amb the temps. &"
> But in fact, in the place in question there is no unit of measure introduced, so I don't know what it means.
> In addition, the manual recommends using pstart / pend to limit the areas to be displayed with line numbers... However, if I do so, the program crashes. Or, better said, it starts an infinite process. If these commands are commented, it gives many mistakes but finally compiles fine ... I'm working with two texts as a test, before doing bigger efforts. The truth is I do not know where to look. I have read the manuals that come with the program and I have looked around the internet... but no result.
> Thanks a lot for orientations.
> Josep