Re: [eledmac] TOC of new reledmac handbook

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Only a suggestion: why not to use hyperref, in order to have symlinks?

Il giorno sab 13 giu 2015 alle ore 18:39 Maïeul Rouquette <maieul@xxxxxxxxxx> ha scritto:
Finally, I will keep the user handbook and the code handbook in the same file. Because it will be easier to distribute.

Enclosed you will find the toc of the user handbook § 18 and following are code handbook

My questions are
a) what do you think about this new toc
b) what do you think to up level of 5.6 and 5.7. It will allow to use more subtitle in what is actually 5.6, and which has not any granularity.
c) what do you think by marking ≠ between users and code handbook by using roman numeral for user section and arabic for code section, or something like this


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