Re: [eledmac] Split the handbook in two files |
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- To: eledmac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [eledmac] Split the handbook in two files
- From: Michael Stenskjær Christensen <michael.stenskjaer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 16 May 2015 10:20:14 +0200
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=content-type:mime-version:subject:from:in-reply-to:date :content-transfer-encoding:message-id:references:to; bh=h6z3jD1DfcxAfrpDnG+n95k87udfumu77tfrIW1jpdg=; b=bNsynsaHfQwhuTHgvq/dQFqWCS0dltVdmkxJfxewL0pJAVjyufFFKrViaAH35Tq7cT hflqkP6VXpkUY8/CbM/YCeL8BCfkzHO2oUu0Zvp8plIoDKIuX9cm3FbM8pw05c91rtiy MyD0P7+Qu7dLd10X7OGTUFuGHCYqeCh1/uzqsfPeBLNK0ZJWie95lbVyBamOztu/wn3I Fl4AIzMxQonYH7YBY5+cjzZhMOgjEPpW1Y4cREaXLGliK+IaI4clZ+xM9uSHCm5RyKI+ hlDAovuM+J4lmEskpck87U845kFeBsGqkwK/2lqprdBJGrNwbRsmVhyH0tSHsDGA1ZNE T/Jg==
Dear Philipp, dear Maïeul
Is that entirely true? Maybe I'm just daft, but I can only find one documentation file for biblatex, containing (1) a user guide and then (2) a more advanced author guide for package authors and advanced users.
I think that setup is better and would also prefer it in the case of (r)eledmac. If I have a problem, I would far prefer just to look in one single documentation file rather than two separate, looking for a solution.
I must admit that I don't see any compelling reasons for splitting up the documents, but two advantages of keeping them together as two clearly separated parts of one single file:
- Simplicity for the user/author searching for a solution. He only has to look in one file.
- Access to the source, also for the new and unexperienced user. I think it is important not to "shield" (1) the user from the workings of the software, as well as (2) the software from the curious user who would like to learn something new. The ideas of literate programming actually means that you can learn from reading the annotated source. That is a very powerful thing, I don't think you should hide from the user.
Well, that was my 2 cents, but as it has already been said, Maïeul, you are the maintainer and I think you should weigh advantages and disadvantages and do whatever you think is best.
By the way, on the question of the name. Why not just come up with an entirely new name? I think it is getting a bit odd that what was originally edmac has evolved so much that three prefix-letters a now necessary to distinguish. Why no just take the leap and change the name completely?
The best,
> Den 15/05/2015 kl. 19.52 skrev Philipp Pilhofer <philipp.pilhofer@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hey Maieul,
> as far as I know, for most TeX documentation files, it is all in one.
> But bigger projects (as biblatex) are splitting the documentation, and
> as your project is growing steadily, I think it's a good idea to split it!
> All the best,
> Philipp
> Am 15.05.2015 um 11:23 schrieb Maïeul Rouquette:
>> Dear users,
>> for now the handbook of eledmac/eledpar has two part:
>> 1) One is the user handbook
>> 2) The other one is the code documentation.
>> One of my invisible work since four year (yes, four year I maintain (e)ledmac!) is to split what is relevant of user and what is relevant of dev. In other words, it is to create more and more "hight level" command for user in order to let stable the low level user and to prevent the need of \renewcommand.
>> The reledmac project have to aim to finish this split. That is: reledmac users should not matter with the code of reledmac. Consequently, it should be better to split the handbook in two pdf:
>> - one will be the user handbook
>> - the other one will be the code handbook.
>> What do you thing about this?
>> Maïeul
>> ps : I am still waiting feedback about the reledmac project.