Re: [eledmac] leftside / rightside pages for a critical corpus of oral texts

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Dear Jocelyn,

you fell into the classical trap of eledpar's beginners.

In order to allow correct typesetting of parallel text you must use:
1) Pages environnement -> it's ok in your case
2) Leftside/Rightside environment -> it's ok
3) \beginnumbering…\endnumbering-> it's ok
4) marking each chunk of parallel texts by \pstart …\pend-> it is not ok. The file examples/minimal-parrallels.tex  will show you how to do it. However in general chunks are equivalent to paragraph. So you can use \autopar.

There is still a second problem: \Pages works with the last one Leftside/Rightside environments. In your case you have two Leftside/Rightside environments.

So in your case the best code should be

I have opened two issues in order to provide error messages in such case


Le 15 mai 2015 à 11:49, Jocelyn Aznar <contact@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> Hi,
> I'm new to this list and to eledmac. I want to test the package to build a 
> critical edition of a corpus of oral texts of a language, the nisvai language, 
> I do the description (I'm ethnolinguist).
> I just want to have the story in Nisvai on the leftside pages and the 
> translation in French on the rightside pages.
> I joined a basic example which is not working as I thought it would be :
> I thought leftside environment would be for having the data on the leftside 
> and then rightside envrionment would be for having the data on the rightside.
> So, either I didn't get the purpose of the environment or there is something 
> wrong else where. First, can I use eledmac with pdflatex ? or only with 
> Xelatex ?
> Do you know else what I'm doing wrong? or should I use another package to set-
> up texts in one language on one side and text in another language on the other 
> side ?
> Thanks,
> Jocelyn Aznar,
> Phd doctorant in ethnolinguistic,

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