[eledmac] spring cleaning

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Dear eledmac/eledpar users, 

- ledmac 0.7.0, when I becomes maintener was 13748 lines
- eledmac 1.0.0 was 11754 lines because of many code refactoring
- eledmac 1.121.1 is 16373 lines

Many new features has been added. Many old commands are now deprecated. 

Eledmac is more and more performant, but also more and more complex to maintain and to understand.

That is why I want to make a spring cleaning. That means

1) keep the same features
2) but changes names commands to uniformize them, and have more internal logical
3) delete deprecated command
4) suppress any need to use \renewcommand.

That implies

1) break compatibility with old name
2) changes the names of eledmac in order to show this break compatibility.

So I will ask you to make you remarks on https://github.com/maieul/ledmac/issues/297 about
1) new name of eledmac. I was thinking at reledmac like "renewed eledmac".
2) about the changes I will like to do

I am waiting for the tenth of june. Because on the week-end of the twelth I have many time in train to work on this project.

That is required for me to have a clearer vision of eledmac/eledpar


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