Re: [eigen] SpecialMatrix

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Last time I looked, the internal BandMatrix didn't seem usable by an external user. But adding a proper public BandMatrix implementation would be really awesome. I am not aware of anybody working on it at the moment. Is there? :-)


On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 11:43 AM Peter <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear All,

in continuing trying to use eigen beyond the dense matrices I came across

where the footing says "This page was last modified on 30 April 2009, at 13:51.".

I tried to use the Unsupported/SkylineMatrix, however just adding

#include <unsupported/Eigen/Skyline>

already leads to a bunch of error messages.

I assume that the internal BandMatrix is intended to be used by the end user.
Yet, for me a BandMatrix would be very interesting as a type to be used by an end user,
even if only the scalar product with a vector and a dense matrix is defined is defined.

Is there any ongoing work in this direction?

Best regards,

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