Re: [eigen] Re: Raising double to integer powers

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Dear Ian,

Am 08.06.21 um 21:25 schrieb Ian Bell:
> Peter - That shortest summing path is very neat.  I have to admit I don't quite see how to jump from the OEIS sequence to a productive implementation though.  I think an optimal summation path (raising things to integer powers)

Sorry, I was little bit short, the OESIS sequence only gives the max. number of multiplications needed,
in the code that's what one has to achieve.

It's a long time I looked into it. As far as I understand my old code, I used a general template for the generic
squaring and addition approach (from boost::math), and an explicit implementation whenever there is a shorter path.

If you want I can try to document it a little bit and post it, but it's really not sophisticated.

Best regards,

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