Re: [eigen] [Review] Pull request 66, Huge Tensor module improvements |
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For that (simple) case it would just be Tensor<float, 3> T(Array3i(1,2,3)); Thats with integers instead of ptrdiff, but so was your C++11 example. And it is currently limited to 4 dimensions. I do agree that the C++11 syntax is nicer, and I would definitely not object supporting std::array if it is available -- my question was basically, if there is a need to partially re-implement std::array if it does not give additional features compared to Eigen::Array.We should allow any type exposing the right interface. For instance the SparseMatrix::reserve() function accept any "integer array" exposing a size() and operartor[](int). This way one can use std::vector, Eigen::ArrayXi, Eigen::ArrayXi::Constant, or some customized objecst computing the sizes procedurally.
For public APIs I completely agree, but in the current code, we also need a data type for the storage (m_dimensions in TensorStorage) and internal argument passing, i.e. writePacket(coeffs, value). If we use Eigen::Array for that, then we have the problem that if we want to merge MultiDimArray and Array later, we have to be really careful about not causing an infinite recursion. OTOH, since we have to special-case single-coefficient accessors anyway and fixed-size arrays don't store their dimensions in their storage, this might still work. I'll think about it some more for a while... Regards, Christian
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