When I test SparseLU on simple singular matrix (one column is zero) - it crashes on line #92 in SparseLU_pivotL.h.
// Test for singularity
90 if ( pivmax == 0.0 ) {
91 pivrow = lsub_ptr[pivptr];
92 perm_r(pivrow) = jcol;
93 return (jcol+1);
94 }
At the time of crash we have pivptr = nsupc = nsupr = 0.
lsub_ptr[pivptr] gives some crazy number (lsub_ptr points to incorrect location as nsupr = 0?).
I propose to remove 91 and 92 lines. We don't use these values anyway as we return control to user immediately.
The only strange thing is nsupr = 0 (no rows in supenode). May this happen at all?
Thank you.