Re: [eigen] Using custom scalar types.

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On 4/28/13 5:44 AM, Brad Bell wrote:
I was able to fix this problem by defining a partial specialization for
     template<typename Scalar, bool IsInteger>
     struct significant_decimals_default_impl
which is defined in Eigen/src/Core/IO.h. The partial specialization can be in the change set

Perhaps there is some other way (without defining a cast from AD<Base> to int) that the same thing can be accomplished
and that is documented and hence part of the Eigen API ?

Thanks for bringing this up!

Here's what we did in the past for Stan's (
auto-diff variables, which indeed involves the nasty ceil(stan::agrad::var)
operation (which we define with derivative 0):

namespace Eigen {
  namespace internal {
    struct significant_decimals_default_impl<stan::agrad::var,false>
      static inline int run()
        using std::ceil;
        return cast<double,int>(ceil(-log(NumTraits<stan::agrad::var>::epsilon().val())

But having read your question, I realize we should've just
plugged in std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() instead
of the NumTraits epsilon().  That's because our NumTraits is
defined as:

namespace Eigen {
 template <>
 struct NumTraits<stan::agrad::var>  {
    typedef stan::agrad::var Real;
    inline static Real epsilon() {
      return std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();

There's an implicit constructor stan::agrad::var(int);

I just changed our code to cut out the middelman:

    struct significant_decimals_default_impl<stan::agrad::var,false>
      static inline int run()
        using std::ceil;
        using std::log;
        return cast<double,int>(ceil(-log(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
                                     / log(10.0)));

Our execution targets don't actually use printing of matrices,
but it could've caused a memory leak on the C++ side for an
API user if the body of this function was executed repeatedly.

- Bob

On 04/22/2013 07:15 PM, Brad Bell wrote:
If I compile the program:
# include <cppad/cppad.hpp>
# include <cppad/example/cppad_eigen.hpp>

int main()
typedef Eigen::Matrix< CppAD::AD<double>, 1, 1> MatrixAD;
MatrixAD X;
X(0, 0) = 1;

std::cout << X << std::endl;
return 0;
using eigen-3.1.3 with the trunk for the package
I get the error message
.../include/Eigen/src/Core/IO.h:132:97: error: no matching function for call to ‘ceil(CppAD::AD<double>)’
Looking at the corresponding code I see the code
return cast<RealScalar,int>(ceil(-log(NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon())/log(RealScalar(10))));

On the page
under the heading
Using custom scalar types
I see mention of
"define the math functions that makes sense for your type."
and perhaps ceil could be considered one such function. But I do not see mention of conversion from the scalar type to
int, which also seems to be required ?

The problem is that, for AD types, I think that implicit conversion to int is dangerous because the AD information is
lost and hence CppAD provides an explicit function for this purpose

Perhaps it would be OK if one restricts the casting operator to be explicit, but as I understand this is a c++11
extension and not available in c++98.

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