Re: [eigen] New Levenberg Marquardt stuff

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Il 06/02/2013 10:49, Mark Beinker ha scritto:
Is this a complete minpack port?

Yeps. Very close to minpack. It's the actual minpack code, ported to eigen / c++ / template.

I worked on porting minpack to native C++ template-only version, using Eirgen3 for the matrix/vector stuff (though other vector/matrix representations should work, too).
Now, when it's almost finished, I learn that it was  I should have checked the list more frequently, I guess...

Or checked the documentation:

(googling for "eigen levenberg marquardt" would have found it as #2 it seems)

Thanks for the link.
Indeed, it's easy to find - once you come up with the idea to search for optimizers in eigen. When I started my own project, the best I could found was cminpack. Well, that's quite a while ago.

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