Re: [eigen] Eigen 2 to Eigen 3 performance regressions with mapped matrices

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The blocks in our block sparse matrices are dynamically sized. Sometimes we can infer static sizing information and in those cases we use template specialization to invoke the fixed size products.

What is lazyProduct's behaviour for the various combination of

A += B.lazyProduct(C)

A - static/dynamic
B - static/dynamic
C - static/dynamic 


On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 4:40 AM, Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I would be in favor of always assuming that fixed-size products are
small so always use "lazyProduct" in the fixed-size case, without even
a runtime size check.

This would also allow to really guarantee that we never malloc  on
fixed-size computations...

We could still provide a separate way to do cache-friendly products on
fixed-size matrices, if there really is demand for that. For starters,
people can always Map as dynamic-size.


2012/1/12 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> well first you should really use 1 instead of Dynamic for the vectors
> such that gemv like operations are called (instead of gemm like).
> Then, the main difference with Eigen2, is that we don't check anymore
> the sizes at runtime to fallback to a naive product implementation if
> the objects are too small. Again, you can still enforce the naive
> product with .lazyProduct if you know that's best for you.
> That said, I still plan to add such runtime tests to pick the right
> algorithm. I think there is still room for designing even better
> product algorithms for such small matrices and vectors. However I
> observed the performance of a "naive" product algorithm depends a lot
> on the architecture and compiler for small objects, so the choice of
> the thresholds is rather difficult.
> I'll add an entry in our bug tracker.
> gael
> On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 4:58 AM, Keir Mierle <mierle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I've attached a microbenchmark that is similar in spirit to what we are
>> doing with Eigen, that illustrates slowdown from Eigen 2 to Eigen 3. In
>> particular, the benchmark does y += A*x, for A, x, y mapped unaligned
>> dynamic but small dimension matrices. It could be that I have not chosen
>> appropriate compiler flags. I am seeing performance 2x to 3x worse.. Take a
>> look at the header comments in the attached benchmark for more numbers.
>> Keir

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