[eigen] Remaining beta3 blockers

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This is just an update as beta3 is taking longer than expected. Let's
check the list of beta3 blockers and make sure that each has someone
working (ASSIGNED) on them:


       50: HouseholderSequence API cleanup

OK, this is me, I confirm it's no big deal (if anything to do at all)
and I'm working on it.

       51: no malloc in fixed-size products

Gael, are you looking at it? If needed I'm OK to have it block only 3.0 final.

       52: Strides API

For me, I'm taking care of it.

       53: Sparse - API stability for basic features


       54: Const-correctness

The biggie. Discussed with Gael on IRC. The way to go is to make
Map<const T> not have the Lvalue bit, so that absence of LvalueBit
will propagate to other expression automatically, the tricky part is
that this kills the assumption that DirectAccessBit => LvalueBit.

I'll have a go at it unless Gael does it first...

       57: Uniform external library support


       59: Clean up FullPivHouseholderQR

For me; i'm handling it.

       72: Rename PlanarRotation to JacobiRotation


       73: 3.0-beta2: Intel incomplete type error breaks several unit tests

BEEP BEEP BEEP! This one is not yet assigned to anybody. Any volunteer?

       89: householder_1 and _2 are continuously failing with segfaults

BEEP BEEP BEEP! This one is not yet assigned to anybody. Any volunteer?

       91: scalar_product_traits is missing some specializations

BEEP BEEP BEEP! We're still deeply stuck in the sauerkraut with this
one. This is a terrible MSVC 2010 bug that we hit since we use a
nested 'internal' namespace and we don't know what to do about it.

       100: Finalize the array-as-scalar feature

Gael ?

       111: Public API to handle function arguments

We discussed this recently and basically we're not going to offer such
a *stable* public API in 3.0, that will come in 3.1 with bug 99.


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