[eigen] Bugzilla: New "Nobody" default assignee; some tips

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*** Who is "Nobody" ? ***

I've created a new user "Nobody", address eigen.nobody@xxxxxxxxx,
passwords set to the same as our bugzilla admin password (which you
can see in localconfig if you have ssh access).

"Nobody" is the new default assignee for all components. Let's keep
"assignee" its standard meaning of "someone who is working on it, or
planning to, or really should" so that prospective contributors should
look for bugs assigned to "Nobody".

*** Email notification ***

If you would like to receive email bug notification, it's now
essentially enough to "follow" the "Nobody" user. I'm following a few
other people though.

*** How to reassign part of your bugs to "Nobody?" ***

Here Bugzilla is really powerful:
1. Click "Search", then the "Advanced Search" tab, in "Email Addresses
and Bug Numbers" box enter part of your email address, run the search.
2. In the search results, at the bottom you have "Change Several Bugs at Once"
3. Check the bugs you want to reassign to Nobody.
3. check "Reset Assignee to default", and click "Commit"


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