Re: [eigen] HouseholderQR bug??

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I tried your test program, but for me it succeeds, I can't reproduce
the assert failure. linux gcc 4.5.0 x86-64.

2010/4/26 Hauke Heibel <hauke.heibel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> I think the problem is this that since
> RowMajor == 1 and DontAlign == 2

These are the Options passed to Matrix, not those passed to Map. They
should never be used for the Options parameter of Map. Do you think
they are used like that? That would be a bug.

> results in
> Map::Options = RowMajor|DontAlign = 3
> and since Aligned == 1 and Map::Options&Aligned == 1
> ei_traits<Map>::IsAligned = (Map::Options&Aligned == Aligned) = true

I tried, and it's actually false: the following program prints 0 here:

#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;

int main()
 typedef Matrix<double,1,Dynamic,1,1,Dynamic> T;
 cout << ei_traits<Map<T> >::IsAligned << endl;

> - Hauke

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