Re: [eigen] Iterators with dense matrices: (was: Areas of eigen3 variation and using eigen2/3 in generic code)

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On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 1:03 PM, Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit..1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
2010/1/3 Jesse Perla <jesseperla@xxxxxxxxx>:
> On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 8:59 PM, Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> 2010/1/3 Paul C. Leopardi <paul.leopardi@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> So Eigen's approach has been to let the user write higher-level code in
>> terms of /expressions/ and /functors/. The user can provide his own
>> expressions and functors, which describe how coefficient(i,j) is computed,
>> optionnally providing a SIMD implementation for which we have a portable
>> infrastructure; and then the user uses that with Eigen's built-in loops.
> Definitely the right approach.  The higher level and closer to linear
> algebra the better... But for cases where you have not implemented an
> algorithm and default generic algorithms exist, it is necessary to be able
> to use them without initially implementing extensions to Eigen.
> For example:  is there an Eigen equivalent to the following things I do all
> day long:
> std::vector<double> vec(4);
> //... fill it
> std::vector<double> vec2(4);
> std::transform(vec.begin(), vec.end(), vec2.begin(), [](double x){return
> my_func(x)}); //for some function

For this, yes: first you would wrap my_func into a functor, and then you'd call:
 vec2 = vec.unaryExpr(my_functor());

Again, the advantages are vectorization and unrolling (we make it easy
to SIMD-enable your functor in a portable way).


> //or do a binary search from the 2nd item for the number 1.0, with it sorted
> with some functor
> std::binary_search(vec.begin() + 1, vec.end(), 1.0,
> my_strict_weak_ordering_functor());

OK, for this one, we don't provide anything, so indeed using STL
algorithms is useful.

One remark: you could work by directly addressing the underlying array.  returns a pointer to the vector's coeffs
 vector.size()  returns the number of coeffs

STL algorithms can be applied directly to such an array, right?

Totally right...
OK, so, I'm not against it and it does seem useful. My next question
is: is it important that the methods returning begin and end iterators
are named begin(void) and end(void) ?

Everybody: how about:
 start ---> head
 end ---> tail
Keep start and end(int) for compatibility in Eigen2Support
Remove end<int>() altogether

That sounds like a reasonable change. To me the naming sounds even more clear as to what the underlying function does.

Regarding iterators in general, I think we have to keep in mind that introducing them is not as trivial as renaming functions an returning the addresses of matrix/vector elements. If we want to support sparse and dense matrices/vectors in the same way, we really need an iterator class - correct me if I am wrong. Personally, I am already fine with coeffRef() or data() and size() functions. In the end we are dealing with linear algebra datatypes and not with containers.

If we would take the iterator route, sooner or later people will want iterators for matrices as well. Or for blocks. Don't get me wrong - I am not completely against it but I think it has a lot of consequences and we will not be able to keep the performance guarantees we have right now.


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