Re: [eigen] std::complex vectorization braindump

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On 01/13/2010 10:08 PM, Benoit Jacob wrote:
2010/1/13 Mark Borgerding <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
I've found a certain amount of loop unrolling very beneficial to speed, even
with SIMD.
e.g. loading 4 SIMD registers, working on them, then storing the results can
be much faster than doing them one at a time.
I see. This kind of unrolling is what we called peeling and I can
believe that in some cases it brings benefits. Normally I would like
to keep peeling completely orthogonal to vectorization,

If you mean the definition of "loop peeling" given at
That is not what I am talking about.

Example code may illustrate my point. The UNROLL4 simd loop below takes about 25% less time than both the Eigen MapAligned path and the elementwise simd loop.

void vector_add(float * dst,const float * src1,const float * src2,int n)
    int k=0;
    bool all_aligned = (0 == (15 & ( ptr2int(dst) | ptr2int(src1) | ptr2int(src2) ) ) );
    if (all_aligned) {
# ifdef USE_EIGEN
        VectorXf::MapAligned(dst,n) = VectorXf::MapAligned(src1,n) + VectorXf::MapAligned(src2,n);
        return; // eigen takes care of the remaining samples after alignment ends
# elif defined( UNROLL4 )
        // process 16 floats per loop
        for (; k+16<=n;k+=16) {
            __m128 a = _mm_add_ps(_mm_load_ps(src1+k),_mm_load_ps(src2+k) );
            __m128 b = _mm_add_ps(_mm_load_ps(src1+k+4),_mm_load_ps(src2+k+4) );
            __m128 c = _mm_add_ps(_mm_load_ps(src1+k+8),_mm_load_ps(src2+k+8) );
            __m128 d = _mm_add_ps(_mm_load_ps(src1+k+12),_mm_load_ps(src2+k+12) );
            _mm_store_ps(dst+k, a);
            _mm_store_ps(dst+k+8, c);
            _mm_store_ps(dst+k+12, d);
# else
        // one simd element ( 4 floats) at a time
        for (; k+4<=n;k+=4)
            _mm_store_ps(dst+k,_mm_add_ps(_mm_load_ps(src1+k),_mm_load_ps(src2+k) ) );
# endif
    for (;k<n;++k)
        dst[k] = src1[k] + src2[k];

test specifics
  • n=512 floats ( small enough to fit into cache to avoid testing memory speed)
  • core2 cpu
  • linux 32 bit g++ 4.4.2
  • -DNDEBUG  -O3 -msse -msse2 -msse3

For you assembly gurus:

the elementwise simd loop and Eigen MapAligned code both compile to code like this

        # basic block 5
        movaps  (%eax,%ecx,4), %xmm0    #* src1, tmp110
        addps   (%edx,%ecx,4), %xmm0    #* src2, tmp110
        movaps  %xmm0, (%ebx,%ecx,4)    # tmp110,* dst
        addl    $4, %ecx        #, index
        cmpl    %ecx, %esi      # index, index
        jg      .L6     #,
and the unrolled simd loop compiles to
        # basic block 5
        movaps  (%edi,%eax,4), %xmm3    #* src1, tmp100
        movaps  16(%edi,%eax,4), %xmm2  #, tmp103
        movaps  32(%edi,%eax,4), %xmm1  #, tmp106
        movaps  48(%edi,%eax,4), %xmm0  #, tmp109
        addps   (%esi,%eax,4), %xmm3    #* src2, tmp100
        addps   16(%esi,%eax,4), %xmm2  #, tmp103
        addps   32(%esi,%eax,4), %xmm1  #, tmp106
        addps   48(%esi,%eax,4), %xmm0  #, tmp109
        movaps  %xmm3, (%ebx,%eax,4)    # tmp100,* dst
        movaps  %xmm2, 16(%ebx,%eax,4)  # tmp103,
        movaps  %xmm1, 32(%ebx,%eax,4)  # tmp106,
        movaps  %xmm0, 48(%ebx,%eax,4)  # tmp109,
        addl    $16, %eax       #, k
        cmpl    %edx, %eax      # D.54688, k
        jne     .L8     #,

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