Re: [eigen] std::complex vectorization braindump

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On 01/15/2010 03:44 AM, Gael Guennebaud wrote:
On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 5:49 PM, Mark Borgerding<mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:
On 01/13/2010 10:08 PM, Benoit Jacob wrote:

2010/1/13 Mark Borgerding<mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

I've found a certain amount of loop unrolling very beneficial to speed, even
with SIMD.
e.g. loading 4 SIMD registers, working on them, then storing the results can
be much faster than doing them one at a time.

I see. This kind of unrolling is what we called peeling and I can
believe that in some cases it brings benefits. Normally I would like
to keep peeling completely orthogonal to vectorization,

If you mean the definition of "loop peeling" given at
That is not what I am talking about.

Example code may illustrate my point. The UNROLL4 simd loop below takes
about 25% less time than both the Eigen MapAligned path and the elementwise
simd loop.

void vector_add(float * dst,const float * src1,const float * src2,int n)
     int k=0;
     bool all_aligned = (0 == (15&  ( ptr2int(dst) | ptr2int(src1) |
ptr2int(src2) ) ) );
     if (all_aligned) {
# ifdef USE_EIGEN
         VectorXf::MapAligned(dst,n) = VectorXf::MapAligned(src1,n) +
         return; // eigen takes care of the remaining samples after alignment
# elif defined( UNROLL4 )
         // process 16 floats per loop
         for (; k+16<=n;k+=16) {
             __m128 a = _mm_add_ps(_mm_load_ps(src1+k),_mm_load_ps(src2+k) );
             __m128 b =
_mm_add_ps(_mm_load_ps(src1+k+4),_mm_load_ps(src2+k+4) );
             __m128 c =
_mm_add_ps(_mm_load_ps(src1+k+8),_mm_load_ps(src2+k+8) );
             __m128 d =
_mm_add_ps(_mm_load_ps(src1+k+12),_mm_load_ps(src2+k+12) );
             _mm_store_ps(dst+k, a);
             _mm_store_ps(dst+k+8, c);
             _mm_store_ps(dst+k+12, d);
# else
         // one simd element ( 4 floats) at a time
         for (; k+4<=n;k+=4)

_mm_store_ps(dst+k,_mm_add_ps(_mm_load_ps(src1+k),_mm_load_ps(src2+k) ) );
# endif
     for (;k<n;++k)
         dst[k] = src1[k] + src2[k];

test specifics

n=512 floats ( small enough to fit into cache to avoid testing memory speed)
core2 cpu
linux 32 bit g++ 4.4.2
-DNDEBUG  -O3 -msse -msse2 -msse3

For you assembly gurus:

the elementwise simd loop and Eigen MapAligned code both compile to code
like this

         # basic block 5
         movaps  (%eax,%ecx,4), %xmm0    #* src1, tmp110
         addps   (%edx,%ecx,4), %xmm0    #* src2, tmp110
         movaps  %xmm0, (%ebx,%ecx,4)    # tmp110,* dst
         addl    $4, %ecx        #, index
         cmpl    %ecx, %esi      # index, index
         jg      .L6     #,

and the unrolled simd loop compiles to

         # basic block 5
         movaps  (%edi,%eax,4), %xmm3    #* src1, tmp100
         movaps  16(%edi,%eax,4), %xmm2  #, tmp103
         movaps  32(%edi,%eax,4), %xmm1  #, tmp106
         movaps  48(%edi,%eax,4), %xmm0  #, tmp109
         addps   (%esi,%eax,4), %xmm3    #* src2, tmp100
         addps   16(%esi,%eax,4), %xmm2  #, tmp103
         addps   32(%esi,%eax,4), %xmm1  #, tmp106
         addps   48(%esi,%eax,4), %xmm0  #, tmp109
         movaps  %xmm3, (%ebx,%eax,4)    # tmp100,* dst
         movaps  %xmm2, 16(%ebx,%eax,4)  # tmp103,
         movaps  %xmm1, 32(%ebx,%eax,4)  # tmp106,
         movaps  %xmm0, 48(%ebx,%eax,4)  # tmp109,
         addl    $16, %eax       #, k
         cmpl    %edx, %eax      # D.54688, k
         jne     .L8     #,

yes I'm totally aware of this kind of optimization and as you can
guess we already use it a lot for the matrix products. However, doing
so in a general fashion, i.e., for all kind of expressions is far to
be trivial. Indeed, ideally we would simply partially unroll our
evaluation loops.

Doesn't making the packet size larger accomplish this partial unrolling?

e.g. a compile time parameter  EIGEN_SIMD_PER_PACKET.
template<> struct ei_packet_traits<float>  :  ei_default_packet_traits
    enum { size=4*EIGEN_SIMD_PER_PACKET };
    struct type
        __m128 data[EIGEN_SIMD_PER_PACKET];

Any loads,stores, or other operations (e.g. ei_pmul ) would operate on several SIMD registers at once.

Also note that this kind of optimizations are worth it only if the
in/out data lies in the CPU cache.

True, but one can often enforce this by breaking up the data set into smaller chunks.

For years, I've been using homegrown C/SIMD vector functions that each perform elementary operations to and from float arrays. These functions can be combined into more complicated algorithms that perform operation 1 on the whole array(s), then operation 2.etc. -- but that causes cache misses on larger buffers. I can usually figure out a way to break the algorithm into cache-friendly sizes.

-- Mark

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