[eigen] GivensQR

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Finally, the Givens QR decomposition class.

Public methods I implemented:
  • Constructor with matrix (but no yet default constructor)
  • compute(): performs compuation of both Q and R matrix
  • matrixQ(): return Q; if needed computes Q and R
  • matrixR(): return R; if needed computes R (but not Q)
  • solve(): like QR, solve the problem; can be used with matrices instead of vectors (i.e.: can solve more problems simultaneously); if needed, computes R while Q^-1*b is computed. Q is not actually computed, only "Givens factors" are used; finally, it uses solveTriangularInPlace.


  • The computation of Q is performed only if strictly needed; by default (by the constructor) no computation is performed. Q is computed only if the user requests it.
  • No matrix-matrix multiplication (i.e.: there is no Q.transpose()*b or similar): the algorithms are optimized in order to compute only wath is needed.
  • Can provide (but this feature is not yet fully implemented) both reduced and complete unitary and upper triangular matrix (while QR with Householder only provides reduced ones). In facts, complete matrices are computed: reduced are relevant blocks of the complete matrices.
  • solve() accepts matrices as left-side arguments.


  • Comments are not very good. Someone should correct my english mistakes.
  • The main algorithm (Givens rotations application) is written four times with small differences: one alteration in this algorithm requires actually four modification in the source.
  • I think there is much room for optimization; for example, I'm not sure SIMD instruction are used very well.
  • I not implemented yet an algorithm to compute the rank of the matrix. I think with QR decomposition is very simple understand whether the matrix has full rank or not, but computing the real rank is more complex job.
  • Solve is very very unstable. I didn't tested it a lot. In particular, I didn't tested it with complex matrices and non-surjective matrices. Solve can't work with MxN matrices, if N>M; fortunately, this is not the common case!
  • No benchmark are done yet. I think the class is efficient, but maybe it does not :-)

In conclusion: the class is surely not ready to be included in Eigen; but I think it is an acceptable starting point.


Andrea Arteaga

// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2009 Andrea Arteaga <yo.eres@xxxxxxxxx>
// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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/** \ingroup QR_Module
  * \nonstableyet
  * \class GivensQR
  * \brief Givens QR decomposition of a matrix
  * \param MatrixType the type of the matrix of which we are computing the QR decomposition
  * This class performs a QR decomposition using Givens rotations.
template <typename MatrixType>
class GivensQR
    enum {
      Rows = MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime,
      Cols = MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime,
      isDynamic = (Rows == Dynamic || Cols == Dynamic) ? 1 : 0,
      CNum = isDynamic == 1 ? Dynamic : (Rows > Cols) ? (Cols*Rows - (Cols*(Cols+1))/2) : ((Rows-1)*Rows/2)

    typedef typename NumTraits<typename MatrixType::Scalar>::FloatingPoint Scalar;
    typedef typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real RealScalar;

    typedef Matrix<Scalar, Rows, Rows> MatrixQType;
    typedef Matrix<Scalar, Rows, Cols> MatrixRType;
    typedef Matrix<Scalar, Rows, Cols> MatrixQReducedType;
    typedef Matrix<Scalar, Cols, Cols> MatrixRReducedType;

    typedef Matrix<Scalar, 2, CNum> MatrixCType;

/** Constructor: initialize the decomposition, but do not perform any computation.
  * Computation is done only if strictly needed.
  * \param matrix The matrix of which *this is the QR decomposition.
    GivensQR(const MatrixType& matrix) : m_(matrix) {
      m_QisUptodate = false;
      m_RisUptodate = false;
      m_CisUptodate = false;
      if(isDynamic) {
        rows = m_.rows();
        cols = m_.cols();
        cnum = (rows > cols) ? (cols*rows - (cols*(cols+1))/2) : ((rows*(rows-1))/2);
        m_Q.resize(rows, rows);
        m_R.resize(rows, cols);
        m_C.resize(2, cnum);
      } else {
        rows = Rows;
        cols = Cols;
        cnum = CNum;

/** This method computes both Q and R matrix. After a call to compute() no more computation is needed in
  * order to return Q or R matrices.
    inline void compute() const {

/** This method return the unitary matrix (Q) of the QR decomposition.
  * \note If you need both Q and R matrix, request the unitary before the upper triangular.
    inline const MatrixQType& matrixQ() const {
      if (m_QisUptodate)
        return m_Q;
      return m_Q;

/** This method return the upper triangular matrix (R) of the QR decomposition.
    inline const MatrixRType& matrixR() const {
      if (m_RisUptodate)
        return m_R;
      return m_R;

/** This method finds a solution x to the equation Ax=b, where A is the matrix of which
  * *this is the QR decomposition, if any exists.
  * \param b the right-hand-side of the equation to solve.
  * \param result a pointer to the vector/matrix in which to store the solution.
  *          Resized if necessary, so that result->rows()==A.cols() and result->cols()==b.cols().
  * \note b can be both a vector or a matrix
  * \sa MatrixBase::solveTriangular(), kernel(), computeKernel(), inverse(), computeInverse()
    template<typename OtherDerived, typename ResultType>
    bool solve(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>&, ResultType*) const;

    const MatrixType& m_;

    int rows, cols, cnum;

    mutable MatrixQType m_Q;
    mutable MatrixQReducedType m_Qr;
    mutable bool m_QisUptodate;

    mutable MatrixRType m_R;
    mutable MatrixRReducedType m_Rr;
    mutable bool m_RisUptodate;

    mutable MatrixCType m_C;
    mutable bool m_CisUptodate;

    void compute_CR() const;
    void compute_QCR() const;


template <typename MatrixType>
void GivensQR<MatrixType>::compute_QCR() const
  Scalar tmp;
  RealScalar r;
  const int q_cols = cols < rows ? cols : rows-1;

  m_R = m_.template cast<typename MatrixRType::Scalar>();

  int j = 0;
  for(int k1 = 0; k1 < q_cols; ++k1) {
    for (int k2 = rows - 1; k2 > k1; --k2) {
      const Scalar& b = m_R.coeffRef(k2, k1);
      const Scalar& a = m_R.coeffRef(k1, k1);
      Scalar& o1 = m_C.coeffRef(0, j);
      Scalar& o2 = m_C.coeffRef(1, j++);
      r = ei_sqrt(ei_real(ei_conj(a)*a + ei_conj(b)*b));
      o1 = a/r;  // FIXME:
      o2 = b/r;  // what if r == 0 <=> (a==0 && b==0) ?

      for (int i = k1; i < cols; ++i){
        tmp = m_R.coeff(k1, i);
        m_R.coeffRef(k1, i) = ei_conj(o1)*m_R.coeff(k1, i) + ei_conj(o2)*m_R.coeff(k2, i);
        m_R.coeffRef(k2, i) = o1*m_R.coeff(k2, i) - o2*tmp;

      for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i){
        tmp = m_Q.coeff(i, k1);
        m_Q.coeffRef(i, k1) = o1*m_Q.coeff(i, k1) + o2*m_Q.coeff(i, k2);
        m_Q.coeffRef(i, k2) = ei_conj(o1)*m_Q.coeff(i, k2) - ei_conj(o2)*tmp;

  m_Qr = m_Q.block(0, 0, rows, cols);
  m_Rr = m_R.block(0, 0, cols, cols);

  m_QisUptodate = true;
  m_RisUptodate = true;
  m_CisUptodate = true;

template <typename MatrixType>
void GivensQR<MatrixType>::compute_CR() const
  Scalar tmp;
  RealScalar r;
  const int q_cols = cols < rows ? cols : rows-1;

  m_R = m_.template cast<typename MatrixRType::Scalar>();

  int j = 0;
  for(int k1 = 0; k1 < q_cols; ++k1) {
    for (int k2 = rows - 1; k2 > k1; --k2) {
      const Scalar& b = m_R.coeffRef(k2, k1);
      const Scalar& a = m_R.coeffRef(k1, k1);
      Scalar& o1 = m_C.coeffRef(0, j);
      Scalar& o2 = m_C.coeffRef(1, j++);
      r = ei_sqrt(ei_real(ei_conj(a)*a + ei_conj(b)*b));
      o1 = a/r;  // FIXME:
      o2 = b/r;  // what if r == 0 <=> (a==0 && b==0) ?

      for (int i = k1; i < cols; ++i){
        tmp = m_R.coeff(k1, i);
        m_R.coeffRef(k1, i) = ei_conj(o1)*m_R.coeff(k1, i) + ei_conj(o2)*m_R.coeff(k2, i);
        m_R.coeffRef(k2, i) = o1*m_R.coeff(k2, i) - o2*tmp;

  m_Rr = m_R.block(0, 0, cols, cols);

  m_RisUptodate = true;
  m_CisUptodate = true;

template<typename MatrixType>
template<typename OtherDerived, typename ResultType>
bool GivensQR<MatrixType>::solve(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& b_, ResultType *result) const
  OtherDerived b = b_;
  Scalar tmp;
  int bcols = b.cols();
  result->resize(cols, bcols);

  if (!m_RisUptodate || !m_CisUptodate){
    RealScalar r;
    const int q_cols = cols < rows ? cols : rows-1;

    m_R = m_.template cast<typename MatrixRType::Scalar>();

    int j = 0;
    for(int k1 = 0; k1 < q_cols; ++k1) {
      for (int k2 = rows - 1; k2 > k1; --k2) {
        const Scalar& m2 = m_R.coeffRef(k2, k1);
        const Scalar& m1 = m_R.coeffRef(k1, k1);
        Scalar& o1 = m_C.coeffRef(0, j);
        Scalar& o2 = m_C.coeffRef(1, j++);
        r = ei_sqrt(ei_real(ei_conj(m1)*m1 + ei_conj(m2)*m2));
        o1 = m1/r;  // FIXME:
        o2 = m2/r;  // what if r == 0 <=> (m1==0 && m2==0) ?

        for (int i = k1; i < cols; ++i){
          tmp = m_R.coeff(k1, i);
          m_R.coeffRef(k1, i) = ei_conj(o1)*m_R.coeff(k1, i) + ei_conj(o2)*m_R.coeff(k2, i);
          m_R.coeffRef(k2, i) = o1*m_R.coeff(k2, i) - o2*tmp;

        for (int i = 0; i < bcols; ++i){
          tmp = b.coeff(k1, i);
          b.coeffRef(k1, i) = ei_conj(o1)*b.coeff(k1, i) + ei_conj(o2)*b.coeff(k2, i);
          b.coeffRef(k2, i) = o1*b.coeff(k2, i) - o2*tmp;
    m_Rr = m_R.block(0, 0, cols, cols);
  } else {

    int k1 = 0, k2 = 1;
    for (int j = 0; j < cnum; ++j) {
      if (--k2 <= k1){
        k2 = rows-1;

      const Scalar& o1 = m_C.coeffRef(0, j);
      const Scalar& o2 = m_C.coeffRef(1, j);

      for (int i = 0; i < bcols; ++i){
        tmp = b.coeff(k1, i);
        b.coeffRef(k1, i) = ei_conj(o1)*b.coeff(k1, i) + ei_conj(o2)*b.coeff(k2, i);
        b.coeffRef(k2, i) = o1*b.coeff(k2, i) - o2*tmp;


  m_Rr.template marked<UpperTriangular>().solveTriangularInPlace(b.block(0, 0, cols, bcols));
  *result = b.block(0, 0, cols, bcols);

  return true;



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