Re: [eigen] combine matrix blocks

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this is how I implemented the "Proxy" class. In MatrixBase one could add a ::getColumnProxy (and Row,RowColumn). In case only a partial proxy is chosen, matrix base could pass some kind of Range Vector class which efficiently returns the index as coeff(). Alternatively, one could do a type check at compile time if the template parameter was a constant 'identity'.
What do you think?


template<typename MatrixType, typename RowType, typename ColType> class Proxy
  : public MatrixBase<Proxy<MatrixType, RowType, ColType> >


    inline Proxy(const MatrixType& matrix, RowType rows, ColType cols)
      : m_matrix(matrix), m_rows(rows), m_cols(cols)
std::cout << "Debug: " << m_rows.minCoeff() << "," << m_rows.maxCoeff() << "," << matrix.rows() << std::endl; std::cout << "Debug: " << m_cols.minCoeff() << "," << m_cols.maxCoeff() << "," << matrix.cols() << std::endl; ei_assert(m_rows.minCoeff() >= 0 && m_rows.maxCoeff() < matrix.rows() && m_cols.minCoeff() >= 0 && m_cols.maxCoeff() < matrix.cols());


    inline int rows() const { return m_rows.rows(); }
    inline int cols() const { return m_cols.rows(); }

    inline Scalar& coeffRef(int row, int col)
return m_matrix.const_cast_derived().coeffRef(m_rows(row), m_cols(col));

    inline const Scalar coeff(int row, int col) const
      return m_matrix.coeff(m_rows(row), m_cols(col));

    const typename MatrixType::Nested m_matrix;
    const typename RowType::Nested m_rows;
    const typename ColType::Nested m_cols;

template<typename MatrixType, typename RowType, typename ColType>
struct ei_traits<Proxy<MatrixType, RowType, ColType> >
  typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
  typedef typename ei_nested<MatrixType>::type MatrixTypeNested;
  typedef typename ei_unref<MatrixTypeNested>::type _MatrixTypeNested;
  enum {
RowsAtCompileTime = (MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime != Dynamic && RowType::RowsAtCompileTime != Dynamic) ?
                          int(RowType::RowsAtCompileTime)  : Dynamic,
ColsAtCompileTime = (MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime != Dynamic && ColType::RowsAtCompileTime != Dynamic) ?
                          int(ColType::RowsAtCompileTime)  : Dynamic,
MaxRowsAtCompileTime = (MatrixType::MaxRowsAtCompileTime != Dynamic ) ? int(RowType::MaxRowsAtCompileTime) : Dynamic, MaxColsAtCompileTime = (MatrixType::MaxColsAtCompileTime != Dynamic ) ? int(ColType::MaxRowsAtCompileTime) : Dynamic,
    Flags = _MatrixTypeNested::Flags & HereditaryBits,
    CoeffReadCost = _MatrixTypeNested::CoeffReadCost

Am 03.07.2009 um 09:55vorm. schrieb Gael Guennebaud:

On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 9:12 AM, Stefan Ulbrich<s.ulbrich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx > wrote:
thanks for the answer. Actually, block / corner and minor don't allow you to select the for example the columns 1,3,4,6. The closest thing I found in Eigen is the Minor Class which allows to omit one row/col. I now tried to
clone and to modificate this class but haven't finished it yet (still
problems with io.h). This class will take two row-vectors that serve as a proxy for the addressing of the coefficients (allows for permutations, repetition of elements...). What do you think: do I have to worry about
speed using this method? Does the use of Minor result in lower speed?

Indeed this requires a novel expression with a coeff(i,j) method which
looks like:

Scalar coeff(i,j) {
return m_matrix.coeff(m_rowIndices[i], m_colIndices[j]);

Assuming the compiler is able to move one of the m_*Indices[] out of
the inner evaluation loop, I guess this should be quite efficient.
Regarding API I think it'd be nice to be able to only provide a list
of rows or columns. To this end, the type of m_rowIndices could be a
template parameter for which the possibilities would be any kind of
integer vectors and a special class having n operator[i] always
returning "i". Regarding the names of these additional classes and
methods, I have no clue.

In the same way I want to create a class that connects matrix with the same
amount of rows (cols) to a single one.

yes it is quite easy to write such a matrix expression. Here is how
the coeff(i,j) method would look like:

Scalar coeff(i,j) {
if (j<m_matrixA.cols())
  return m_matrixA.coeff(i,j);
  return m_matrixB.coeff(i,j-m_matrixA.cols());

The problem is the "if" which will kill the performance (+ no
vectorization, etc.). So, if the memory consumption is not critical
for you I suggest you to copy the matrices to a single bigger one:

MatrixXf A, B, C;
/* ... */
A.resize(B.rows(), B.cols()+C.cols());
A << B, C;

This assignment is fast (vectorized), and then the use of A will be
fast too. Also note that this syntax is very powerful: it allows you
to assemble as many as scalars and/or matrix expressions as you want
in any direction. This is also why you have to set the size of the
matrix A manually. For instance you can  also assemble B and C

A.resize(B.rows()+C.rows(), B.cols());
A << B, C;

See the tutorial for other more fancy examples.



Am 02.07.2009 um 19:46nachm. schrieb Thomas Capricelli:

Erm, all of this seems already available,have you read the tutorial

especially the part

Anything specific you think about that can not currently be done ?


In data giovedì 02 luglio 2009 18:47:16, Stefan Ulbrich ha scritto:
: > Hello,

in matlab you can select a partial matrix by explicitly specifying
which cols and rows to take from the original matrix, e.g. with
A([1,3],[2 4])
further, it would be interesting to combine blocks into a matrix that
serves as a proxy to the elements: A = [B C]
I'd really would really like to see that functionality in eigen2. Do
you think this is possible? Do you have any suggestions on how to
start implementing it?

best regards,

Thomas Capricelli <orzel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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