Re: [eigen] Statistics module

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Thanks for your patch. It looks very good. Just a few remarks:
0) no need to zip your patch, it's more convenient not zipped
1) If we create a new module, it should go into unsupported/ at first,
until it has enough users (at least potential users)
and the API has been tested enough. So in your case,
2) A unit-test would be very useful (see unsupported/test/)
3) don't forget to add/update the CMakeLists.txt
4) also add the standard licence header at the beginning of every
file, with copyright yourself


2009/5/5 Márton Danóczy <marton78@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Dear developers of Eigen,
> I have started to write a statistics module for Eigen, attached you'll
> find a patch. So far I have only implemented the modules I needed
> (mean, variance and logsumexp), but the list will be growing.
> I would be grateful for any comments,
> Marton

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