[efrench] Re: efrench package: distributions |
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Some days before I received you e-mail, a user of e-french made a report concerning french.sty used with MikTeX 2.9. I found that MikTeX defines arabic as a language in language.dat. And french.sty (from package e-french) has a rapid switch mechanism to
change the language. It defines \<language> to switch, in the case of arabic, \arabic and this was in conflict with the \arabic formatting of numbers.
I could correct this and now switching to Arabic is defined by \arabicLang. When some other language (in language.dat) would create a similar conflict, the switching should be \<language>Lang. This error affected french.sty and frenchle.sty.
Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard made a big cleaning of our Subversion database, removing all unecessary old things we took from Bernard Gaulle. Following his idea, I made new packages. They are lighter than the former ones and installing is easier.
And in the same time, I tried to remove all false and old copyright. I hope, it's now OK.
Today I started an upload for CTAN of the new packages.
Because in the future the \<language> (like \arabic) problem could arise with the former versions of french.sty and frenchle.sty, it would be good to declare the old versions (from June 28. 2007, by Bernard Gaulle : frenchpro and frenchle) as obsolete.
I think, I shall contact MikTeK (in German, for me easier than English, my first language is French) and suggest to consider also the e-french package and in the same time to take the corrected version of frenchle.sty.
Raymond Juillerat
for the e-french group
Le 2011-09-13 12:23, Robin Fairbairns a écrit :
someone asked on http://tex.stackexchange.com/, yesterday, why efrench
is not in the tex live distribution.
i discussed the question with karl berry, who decides what's in and
what's out of tex live.
he pointed out that the distribution still includes
which is presumably bernard's old licence statement for french(pro|le),
and which muddies the water enough that tex live wouldn't hold the
furthermore, it's not actually clear what an efrench bundle would
contain, without exercising the package (something that neither i nor
karl have the time, or enough fluency in french writing, to do).
can you
(a) sort out the licence situation -- things declaring that any part of
the bundle is non-free cause problems;
(b) suggest some use cases that would make a comprehensive bundle widely
(c) tell us who might be able to help design a bundle.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
Projet eFrench - Pour une typographie informatique de langue française libre.