[crisos] Darwinfox watchdog?

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I' ran into a bit strange behaviour with the etrax watchdog:

We've had some problems under "extermic" conditions with our Foxboard-based product. The problem starts from usb-serial driver's misbehaviour, so I started checking the driver and watchdog.

I did some tests and found the following thing: If there is a forever-loop in the usbserial driver, the watchdog does nothing? The device is totally jammed until someone gives it a hard reset. The watchdog is enabled during boot, there is a note "Enabling watchdog..." in dmesg.

The test in detail:

I added a forever-loop while(1){} to the beginning of the function serial_open (file: usb-serial.c).

We are currently (still) using Darwinfox SDK.

Any idea, what causes this / how can we make sure this problem won't cause trouble anymore?

With kind regards,

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