FW: [crisos] GPhoto2 not picking up camera

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Title: FW: [crisos] GPhoto2 not picking up camera

Further to this -

Plugging in both cameras produces(IXUS55 and powershot A70) nothing in -

>logread -f

However plugging in my chaep ITWorks 6MP camera the <logread> shows connectivity, has anyone any idea why the canons are not been detected by the USB?

I have tried everything, even adding the packages for USB Webcams, we are really stuck, pleas HELP

I notice that <OPENWRT> requires usb-core, I cannot see this package in Crisos?



HI there,

I am trying to connect a Cannon Powershot a70 to the AXIS board with Crisos installed to take picture from a weather balloon with some students. Can anyone help us?

I haved added packages gphoto2 + dependances, libgphoto2, libgphoto-drivers

lsusb returns
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0040:0000

gphoto2 --list-ports returns
ptpip:                           PTP/IP Connection
serial:/dev/ttyS0                Serial Port 0
serial:/dev/ttyS2                Serial Port 2
serial:/dev/ttyS3                Serial Port 3
usb:                             Universal Serial Bus

gphoto2 --auto-detect returns
Model                          Port
Its very odd I am supposed to do some configuration to make the usb usable (all run as root so no permissions problems I believe)

here's to hope


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