TECTONIC NEWS - 20 July, 2006 Tracking the shifts in technology
ONLINE LPI TRAINING LAUNCHED http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=1068&s=news SA Linux trainers Linux Holdings have launched a full range of LPI training courses that will be taught using online and correspondence methods. Providing the courses online with a mix of chat, forums and training materials will allow the company to keep their prices down
as well as give students longer-term support.
MAKING THE MESSAGE STICK http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=1067&s=news The Geek Freedom League is engaging in some 'guerrilla branding' this
month with a sticker competition. The person who finds 'the most ingenious use' of a GFL sticker, will be given the choice of an iPod Nano or digital camera. Entries thus far have included GFL-branded beer bottles, pets and keyboards.
OPEN SOURCE POWERS WELSH E-THESES PROJECT http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=1065&s=news A newly launched electronic theses deposit system, the Repository
Bridge, allows theses produced at Welsh universities to be automatically and electronically added and stored at the National Library of Wales thanks to open source software.
http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=1060&s=news The second-ever Africa developer roadshow, this time in West Africa, will be held in Ghana during August and organisers are looking for
developers from across the region to attend. Workshops on the agenda include localisation and further development of the education-in-a-box project.
http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=1061&s=news Mark Shuttleworth addresses ApacheCon Europe in Dublin, his theme the future direction of open source and the challenges it still faces – some from within.
NOVELL'S SUSE LINUX 10 RELEASED http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=1062&s=news Coinciding with its local roadshow, Novell today announced the
woldwide release of Suse Linux Enterprise 10, the company's latest release of its operating system that it is hoping will win over big market share in both the desktop and server sectors.
IOSN RELEASES FREE OPEN STANDARDS BOOK http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=1059&s=news
Many governments and organisations are moving towards open standards and frameworks. To assist users in understanding open standards the International Open Source Network has released FOSS: Open Standards,
the latest in its series of 'e-Primer' books.
OPINION ----------------------------------------------------- PHP IS DEAD. LONG LIVE PHP! Jason Norwood-Young
http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=1064&s=news A friend recently told me that PHP is on its way out, Ruby on Rails is where it's at. I scoffed. I chuckled. Then I gave it some thought. Could PHP have had its day?
REVIEWS ----------------------------------------------------- FIREFOX 2.0 CHANGES SMALL BUT SIGNIFICANT http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=1063&s=news
A beta version of Firefox 2.0 was released late last week and is fast becoming my preferred browser. Not because it has had a noticeable upgrade but because the changes that have been made make sense for my
online life.
---------------------------------------- Contact Tectonic: Editor Alastair Otter alastair@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 083-267-7657 -- Tectonic's newsletter is sent out weekly to subscribers and delivers
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