[casetta] New organization for cas.py

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I have just finished to implement the new organization for cas.py described here : http://dev.filyb.info/casetta/ticket/22.
cas.py now uses TransferableObjects (for example for programs, we have a TransferableProgram class)
Take some coffee because, it is going to be a loooong (but important ! ) email :-P

I defined some guidelines for the creation of such objects:
- Each TransferableObject, which inherits of all the properties of an object defined in data.py (for example, TransferableProgram derives from Program) must have a class attribute called header_len (length of a header)
- Moreover, the must have all of the following methods. These methods are called by the functions of devices_serial.py :

    - parse_header(header)  : This method fills the object's metadata with information from the header and returns the expect length of the object. The expected length of an object (got from the header) is not stored in objects attributes because its real data length may change after. 
    -  checksum_needed(index, data_len) : returns 0 if no checksum if needed as this given index / returns 1 if a checksum should be performed (ie after receiving the sheet of a picture) / returns 2 if we should send 0x06 and ignore if the checksum is valid or not (useful for color screencapture) / returns 3 when index == data_len -1 if you want to do a final checksum, 0 else
    - set_raw_data(raw_data) : stores the received raw_data into the object. This method will often contain only the instruction : self.raw_data = raw_data
but it can contain some specials modifications (for screencaptures for example).
    - __len__() : returns the real data length (usually len(self.raw_data)+2)
    - build_header() : returns a header for this TransferalbeObject
    - get_raw_data_list() : Returns all data parts which should be transferred. Even if it contains only one element, it must return a list.
    If an object is nor supposed to be transferred, it is allowed not to have these last three methods.

See attachments for more details

The reorganization has lots of advantages :
    - More in the spirit of Object Orient Programming / More respectful towards the encapsulation principle
    - Less data.__class__ instructions which, I think should be avoided
    - Less code in devices_serial.py / Cleaner file / More logical organization : devices_serial.py functions only handle the low level communication
    - It is now much easier to add support for  the transfer of new data types : before it was necessary to modify almost all the functions of cas.py and modify some functions in devices_serial.py. Now you just have to create a class which respects the guidelines mentioned above.
However, it has one drawback. send_data and receive_data functions of devices_serial now manipulate TransferableObjects.
For example the receive_data functions does not return a normal object bu a TransferableObject (ie receive_data returns a TransferableProgram).
This is not really a problem because all Transferable objects inherits of all the properties of normal Object.
However, it is a problem for send_data because it is not able to send a Program (for example) but it can only send a TransferableProgram (or another TransferableObject). It is possible to transform a Program into a TransferableProgram.
If prgm is a datacls.Program, you only have to do : prgm = TransferableProgram(prgm.name,prgm.raw_data,prgm.date,prgm.use_base).

I did not commit that to the SVN repository because it is a VERY big change and I would like to have your approval before.
I tested this new cas.py and I was able to send/receive programs,pictures, receive backups(I didn't test backup receipt), receive Screencaptures.

If you have difficulties to sleep, you can read this email twice and I guarantee you will have a good night :-D

Thank you for reading this long and boring (but important ;-) )  email.
Ps : Just in case you didn't know I just inform you that the main server of tuxfamily.org is going to die so we may have problems to connect to the SVN : http://tuxfamily.info/?p=100
Ps2 : I am very proud because this time I didn't forget the attachments :-)
Fabien ANDRE aka Xion345
Linux User #418689 -- fabien.andre.g@xxxxxxxxxx -- xion345@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
World domination. Fast. ( Linus Torvalds, Not dated )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2007 Florian Birée aka Thesa <florian@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Website: <URL:http://casetta.tuxfamily.org>
# Version 0.3.0
# changelog:
# # 0.3.0 version:
#   o First release
#     This code is hardly inspired by cafix softwares (cafix.sourceforge.com)
#     A lot of thanks for cafix coders.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, 
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
"""cas (CASIOLINK format) management module"""

__author__ = "Florian Birée"
__version__ = "0.3.0"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2007, Florian Birée"
__license__ = "GPL"
__revision__ = "$Revision: $"
# $Source: $
__date__ = "$Date: $"

import datetime
import errors
import data as datacls

# Constant
PICTURE_PALLET = ['o', 'b', 'g', 'w']
SCREEN_PALLET = ['b', 'g', 'w', 'o']

########## Restructuration Objets ###############
def calc_checksum(data):
    crc = 0
    for byte in data:
        crc = (crc + ord(byte)) % 256
    crc = (0 - crc) % 256
    return chr(crc)

# Special Data class
class End(datacls.Data): ## FIXME need methods
    """Special data to end a transfer."""
    dType = 'end'
    header_len = 49

    def __init__(self):
        """New end data"""

    def parse_header(self, header):

class TransferableProgram(datacls.Program):
    header_len = 49
    def __init__(self,name = '', raw_data = '', date = None, password = "", use_base = False):
        datacls.Program.__init__(self, name, raw_data, date, password, use_base)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.raw_data) + 2

    def build_header(self):
        header = 'TXT\x00PG'
        header += chr(self.__len__() / (256 ** 3))
        header += chr((self.__len__() % 256 ** 3) / (256 ** 2))
        header += chr((self.__len__() % 256 ** 2) / 256)
        header += chr(self.__len__() % 256) # 0 -> 9
        header += self.name[:8] + '\xff' * (8 - len(self.name[:8])) #10->17
        header += '\xff' * 8
        header += self.password[:8] + '\xff' * (8 - len(self.password[:8]))
        if self.use_base:
            header += 'BN'
            header += 'NL'
        header += '\xff' * 12
        header += calc_checksum(header) 
        return header

    def get_raw_data_list(self):
        return [self.raw_data]

    def parse_header(self, header, add_date=True):
        self.name = header[10:18].replace('\xff', '')
        if add_date:
            self.date = datetime.date.today()
        # Password
        self.password = header[26:34].replace('\xff', '')
        # Base:
        if header[34:36] == 'BN':
            self.use_base = True
            self.use_base = False
        return ord(header[6]) * (256 ** 3) + ord(header[7]) * (256 ** 2) + \
            ord(header[8]) * 256 + ord(header[9]) - 2

    def checksum_needed(self, index, data_len):
        if index == (data_len-1):
            return 3
            return 0
    def set_raw_data(self, raw_data):
        self.raw_data = raw_data
class TransferableBackup(datacls.Backup):
    header_len = 49
    def __init__(self, name = '', raw_data = '', date = None):
        datacls.Backup.__init__(self, name, raw_data,date)
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.raw_data) + 2

    def build_header(self):
        header = self.raw_data[2048: 2048 + 48]
        header = header[:33] + '\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00' + header[39:]
        header += calc_checksum(header)
        return header

    def get_raw_data_list():
        return [self.raw_data]

    def parse_header(self, header, add_date=True):
        self.name = header[10:18].replace('\xff', '')
        if add_date:    
            self.date = datetime.date.today()
        return ord(header[6]) * (256 ** 3) + ord(header[7]) * (256 ** 2) + \
              ord(header[8]) * 256 + ord(header[9]) - 2
    def checksum_needed(self, index, data_len):
        if index==(data_len-1):
            return 3
            return 0

    def set_raw_data(self, raw_data):
        self.raw_data = raw_data

## Pictures and Screencaptures
class TransferablePicture(datacls.Picture):
    header_len = 49
    data_len = 4112

    def __init__(self, name = '', raw_data = '', date = None, pallet = None, \
            color_byte = None):
        datacls.Picture.__init__(self, name, raw_data, date, pallet, color_byte)
    def __len__(self):
        return self.data_len

    def build_header(self):
        header = 'IMG\x00PC'
        header += '\x00\x40\x00\x80' # len ?
        header += self.name
        header += '\xff' * 8
        header += 'DRUWF'
        header += '\x00\x04\x00\x01' # len ?
        header += '\xff' * 13
        header += calc_checksum(header)
        return header

    def get_raw_data_list(self):
        return [self.raw_data[0:1028],self.raw_data[1028:2056],self.raw_data[2056:3084],self.raw_data[3084:4112]]

    def parse_header(self, header ,add_date=True):
        self.name = self.name = header[10:18].replace('\xff', '')
        if add_date:
            self.date = datetime.date.today()
        self.pallet = PICTURE_PALLET
        self.color_byte = 3
        return self.data_len

    def checksum_needed(self, index, data_len):
        if (index + 1) % 1028 == 0 and index != 0 and index + 1 < data_len:
            return 1
        elif index==(data_len-1):
            return 3
            return 0

    def set_raw_data(self, raw_data):
        self.raw_data = raw_data
class TransferableMonoScreenCapture(datacls.ScreenCapture):
    header_len = 39
    data_len = 1024
    name = "Capture"

    def __init__(self, name = '', raw_data = '', date = None, pallet = None, \
            color_byte = None):
        datacls.ScreenCapture.__init__(self, name, raw_data, date, pallet, \
    def __len__():
        return self.data_len

    def parse_header(self, header,add_date=True):
        if add_date:
            self.date = datetime.date.today() 
        self.pallet = SCREEN_PALLET
        self.color_byte = 0
        return self.data_len

    def checksum_needed(self, index ,data_len):
        if index == data_len:
            return 3
            return 0

    def set_raw_data(self, raw_data):
        columns = [''] * 16
        for index in range(len(raw_data)):
            col = index / 64
            columns[col] += raw_data[index]
        for col in range(len(columns)):
            byte_list = list(columns[col])
            columns[col] = ''.join(byte_list)
        black_sheet = ''.join(columns)
        self.raw_data = '\x01' + black_sheet +\
           '\x02' + '\x00' * 0x400 +\
           '\x03' + '\x00' * 0x400 +\
           '\x04' + '\x00' * 0x400

class TransferableColorScreenCapture(datacls.ScreenCapture):
    header_len = 39
    data_len = 3075
    name = "Capture"

    def __init__(self, name='', raw_data='', date = None, pallet=None, \
            color_byte = None):
        datacls.ScreenCapture.__init__(self, name, raw_data, date, pallet, \

    def __len__():
        return self.data_len

    def parse_header(self, add_date=True):
        if add_date == True:
            self.date = datetime.date.today() 
        self.pallet = SCREEN_PALLET
        self.color_byte = 0
        return self.data_len    

    def checksum_needed(self, index, data_len):
        if (index == 1024 or index == 2048):
            return 2 # False checksum
        elif index == data_len:
            return 3
            return 0

    def set_raw_data(self, raw_data):
        self.raw_data=raw_data[:0x400 * 2 + 2] + '\x03' + '\x00' * 0x400 + raw_data[0x400 * 2 + 2:]

def get_header_format(header):
    """Return [header_len, header_type, sub_type]."""
    sub_type = None
    type_id = header[0:3]
    sub_id = header[4:6]
    if type_id == "MEM" and sub_id == "BU":
        data = TransferableBackup()
    elif type_id == "DD@":
        data = TransferableMonoScreenCapture()
    elif type_id == "DC@":
        data = TransferableColorScreenCapture()
#     elif type_id == "FNC":
#         datatype = 4
#         headerlen = 49
    elif type_id == "IMG" and sub_id == "PC":
        data = TransferablePicture()
    elif type_id == "TXT" and sub_id == "PG":
        data = TransferableProgram()
#     elif type_id == "VAL":
#         datatype = 8
#         headerlen = 49
#     elif type_id == "REQ":
#         datatype = 7
#         headerlen = 49
    elif type_id == "END":
        data = End()
        return "unknown",49
    return data, data.header_len

## Q: Are we able to send screencaptures ?
### A: Apparently not !

## Add support for screencaptures - Done
## Add header checksum calculation - Done
## Add data.name in fillmetadata - Done
## Add get_raw_data_list method
## Add __len__
### Au moment de l'appel de get_data_len, on a le header complet !
### Autant appeler fillmetadata directment
### Renommer fillmetadata en parse_header
## Liste des méthodes :
## Envoi :
## - __len__ - OK
## - build_header - OK
## - get_raw_data_list - OK
## Reception :
## - parse_header - OK
## - check_needed  - OK
## - store_raw_data - OK
# File format management classes
class CasFile:
    """Cas (Casiolink) file format manager."""
    name = 'cas'
    managed_data = [datacls.Program, datacls.Backup, datacls.Picture, \
    read = True
    write = False
    list_ext = ['cas']
    def __init__(self, filename = None):
        """Make a cas file object with filename"""
        self.filename = filename
    def open_file(self):
        """Open a file in the cas Format"""
        # Build the FileData
        file_data = datacls.FileData()
        cas_file = open(self.filename, 'r')
        ctn = cas_file.read()
        # Init var
        index = 0
        is_header = True
        header = ""
        header_len = 100
        data = None
        data_len = 100
        raw_data = ""
        # Loop on bytes in ctn
        while index < len(ctn):
            if is_header and ctn[index] != ':' and len(header) < header_len:
                header += ctn[index]
                if len(header) == 7:
                    # Get metadata
                    header_len, data_type, sub_type = \
            elif is_header and len(header) == header_len:
                # Crc byte, init the data record
                is_header = False
                if data_type == 'end':
                data_len = get_data_len(header, data_type, sub_type)
                # Make the data
                if data_type == 'program':
                    data = file_data.new_record(datacls.Program)
                elif data_type == 'backup':
                    data = file_data.new_record(datacls.Backup)
                elif data_type == 'picture':
                    data = file_data.new_record(datacls.Picture)
                elif data_type == 'ScreenCapture':
                    data = file_data.new_record(datacls.ScreenCapture)
                    data = file_data.new_record(datacls.Data)
                fill_metadata(data, header, False)
            elif not is_header and len(raw_data) == 0 and ctn[index] == ':':
                # Not header, first :
            elif not is_header and len(raw_data) < data_len:
                # Raw_data
                if data_type == 'screencapture' and sub_type == 'color' \
                        and (len(raw_data) == 1024 or len(raw_data) == 2048):
                    # Jump two bytes (checksum and :)
                    index += 2
                if data_type == 'picture' and (len(raw_data) + 1) % 1028 == 0 \
                        and len(raw_data) != 0 and len(raw_data) + 1 < data_len:
                    # Jump two bytes (checksum and :)
                    index += 2
                raw_data += ctn[index]
            elif not is_header and len(raw_data) == data_len:
                # Data Crc, save raw_data (and make some convertions)
                if data_type == 'screencapture' and sub_type == 'color':
                    data.raw_data = color_screencapture_to_raw(raw_data)
                elif data_type == 'screencapture' and sub_type == 'mono':
                    data.raw_data = mono_screencapture_to_raw(raw_data)
                    data.raw_data = raw_data
                # Init vars
                is_header = True
                header = ""
                header_len = 100
                data = None
                raw_data = ""
            index += 1
        return file_data
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2007 Florian Birée aka Thesa <florian@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Website: <URL:http://casetta.tuxfamily.org>
# Version 0.3.0
# changelog:
# # 0.3.0 version:
#   o First release
#     This code is hardly inspired by cafix softwares (cafix.sourceforge.com)
#     A lot of thanks for cafix coders.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, 
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
"""Internal serial tansfer tool"""

__author__ = "Florian Birée"
__version__ = "0.3.0"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2007, Florian Birée"
__license__ = "GPL"
__revision__ = "$Revision: $"
# $Source: $
__date__ = "$Date: $"

import serial
import time
import sys
import cas
import errors
import data as datacls

# Default functions
def default_status(data_name, current_size, total_size, is_header = False):
    """Print the status of a transfert on the standard output."""
    percent = ((current_size * 100) / total_size)
    if is_header:
        progress_line = 'Header   '
        progress_line = data_name + ' ' * (9 - len(data_name))
    progress_line += '[' + '=' * (percent / 2)
    progress_line += ' ' * (50 - (percent / 2)) + '] '
    progress_line += '(%i%%) %i/%i' % (percent, current_size, total_size)
    if current_size != 0:
        progress_line = '\r' + progress_line
    if current_size >= total_size:

def default_overwrite(data_name):
    """Ask the user if he want to overwrite data_name on the calculator."""
    user_rep = raw_input('Overwrite %s (Y/N): ' % data_name)
    return user_rep.lower().startswith('y')

# Serial management classes
class Connexion:
    """Casetta serial transfer tool."""
    name = 'serial'
    managed_data = [datacls.Program, datacls.Backup, datacls.Picture, \
    def __init__(self, serial_port = 0, status = default_status, \
                 overwrite = default_overwrite):
        """Initial configuration of the serial port
        status is a function which is runned as status(current_data_name, 
        current_size, total_size, is_header) each time the status change.
        overwrite is a function which is runned as overwrite(data_name) and 
        which must return True or False.
        if type(serial_port) == str and serial_port.isdigit():
            serial_port = int(serial_port)
        self.serial = serial.Serial(
            timeout=5, # or None
            xonxoff=0, #0
            rtscts=0) #(o:1)0
        self.status = status
        self.overwrite = overwrite
        self.cancel = False
    def check_cancel(self):
        """If the cancel flag is set, unset it and raise TransferAborted"""
        if self.cancel:
            self.cancel = False
            raise errors.TransferAborted()
    ### Low level serial functions
    def get_byte(self):
        """Read a single byte"""
        byte = self.serial.read()
        return byte

    def send_byte(self, byte):
        """Send a single byte"""
    def send_string(self, string, status = None, data_name = '', \
                    is_header = False):
        """Send a string of bytes"""
        for index in range(len(string)):
            if status != None:
                status(data_name, index, len(string) - 1, is_header)
    ### Send system
    def send(self, data_list):
        """Send all data in data_list
        Warning: a backup must be the only data to send
        while not self.calc_is_ready_to_receive():
        for data in data_list:
        if data_list[-1].dType != "backup":
            # Send the END header
    def calc_is_ready_to_receive(self):
        """Return if the calculator is ready to receive some data"""
        interactive = False
        if interactive:
            code = '\x06'
            code = '\x16'
        byte_rep = self.get_byte()
        if interactive and byte_rep == '\x06':
            return True
        elif not interactive and byte_rep == '\x13':
            return True
            return False
    def send_data(self, data):
        """Send a data to the calc"""
        response = self.get_byte()
        if response == '\x06':
            # Calculator accept the header
        elif response == '\x24':
            raise errors.DataNoManaged([data.__class__])
        elif response == '\x2b':
            raise errors.ChecksumError()
        elif response == '\x21':
            #File already exist in the calculator.
            if self.overwrite(data.name) :
                sec_resp = self.get_byte()
                if sec_resp != '\x06':
                    raise errors.CannotOverwrite(data.name)
                # Calculator accept to overwrite.
                # send abort code
                sec_resp = self.get_byte()
                if sec_resp != '\x06':
                    raise errors.BadAnswerFromCalc(sec_resp)
                raise errors.TransferAborted()
        elif response == '\x51':
            raise errors.HeaderError()
            raise errors.BadAnswerFromCalc(response)
        # Gets the data list to be transfered
        raw_data_list = data.get_raw_data_list()
        for raw_data in raw_data_list:
            # CRC calcul
            crc = 0
            for byte in raw_data:
                crc += ord(byte)
            crc = (abs(255 - (crc % 256)) + 1) % 256
            # Other way to get the crc - maybe better
            #crc = 0
            #for byte in raw_data:
            #    crc += ord(byte)
            #    if crc > 255:
            #        crc -= 256
            #crc = 256 - crc
            # Now sending the data
            self.send_string('\x3a' + raw_data, self.status, data.name, False)
            # All data sent, let the calc check the CRC
            response = self.get_byte()
            if response != '\x06':
                raise errors.ChecksumError()
    def send_header(self, data):
        """Send the header corresponding to data"""
        header = data.build_header()
        if data.dType == "end":
            self.send_string('\x3a' + header, self.status, 'End', False)
            self.send_string('\x3a' + header, self.status, data.name, True)

    ### Receive system
    def receive(self):
        """Return a file_data with all data receive from the calc."""
        file_data = datacls.FileData()
        while not self.calc_is_ready_to_send():
        # Starts to receive the data
        while True:
            data = self.receive_data()
            if data.dType == "end":

            # Adds the data to the file 

            if data.dType == "backup" or \
                    data.dType == "screencapture":
        return file_data
    def calc_is_ready_to_send(self):
        """Waiting for receiving data"""
        byte = self.get_byte()
        if byte == '\x15':
            # Received request for interactive handshake (0x15)
            # -- responding with 0x13
            return True
        elif byte == '\x16':
            # Received request for noninteractive handshake (0x16)
            # -- responding with 0x13
            return True
            return False

    def receive_data(self):
        """Receive a data"""
        # Get header
        self.status('unknown', 0, 49, True)
        data, data_len = self.get_header()
        self.status('unknown', 49, 49, True)
        if data.dType == 'end':
            # End of the transfer : no data
            return cas.End()
        crc = 0
        raw_data = ''
        # Starts the receive loop
        for index in range(data_len):
            byte = self.get_byte()
            crc = crc + ord(byte)
            # Do we need to perform a checksum  at this given index ?
            if data.checksum_needed(index, data_len) == 2:
            # Pretends the cheksum we got is valid
            # Does not do real checksum check
                resp2 = self.get_byte()
                resp2 = self.get_byte()
                crc = 0
            if data.checksum_needed(index, data_len) == 1:
            # Real checksum check of the data part (sheet of a picture,
            # Value of a matrix)
                newcrc = ord(self.get_byte())
                crc = abs(255 - (crc % 256)) + 1
                if not newcrc == crc :
                    raise errors.ChecksumError()
                crc = 0
                resp2 = self.get_byte()
                if not resp2 == '\x3a':
                    raise errors.BadAnswerFromCalc(resp2)
            #if data_type == 1 and bytesproc + 1 == 62684:
            #    print 'byte 62684 of a backup : send 0x06'
            #    send_byte('\x06')
            raw_data += byte
            self.status(data.name, index, data_len - 1, False)

        # Receipt of raw_data is finished
        if data.checksum_needed(index, data_len) == 3:
        # Final checksum
        # Should be done for any data type 
        # except for those who frequently generate errors
        # such as color screencaptures.
            newcrc = ord(self.get_byte())
            crc = abs(255 - (crc % 256)) + 1

            if not newcrc == crc: 
            #and data_type != 'screencapture' and \
            #        sub_type != 'color':
            # Warning: the crc check is not done for color screencapture
            #          because the crc of color screencapture is never
            #          valid.
                raise errors.ChecksumError()

        # Stores received raw data into the object
        return data

    def get_header(self):
        """Return [header, header_type]"""
        byte = self.get_byte()
        if not byte == '\x3a':
            raise errors.HeaderError()
        header = ''
        total_bytes = 49 # Default header size
        cur_byte = 0
        h_crc = 0
        while cur_byte < total_bytes:
            byte = self.get_byte()
            header += byte
            if cur_byte == 7:
                data, header_len = cas.get_header_format(header)
                total_bytes = header_len
            cur_byte += 1
            if cur_byte < total_bytes:
                h_crc = (h_crc + ord(byte)) % 256
        h_crc = (0 - h_crc) % 256
        if h_crc != ord(byte) :
            raise errors.ChecksumError()
        # Check if we know the header type
        if data == "unknown":
            raise errors.HeaderError()
        # Accepts the header 
        if not self.get_byte() == '\x3a':
            raise errors.BadAnswerFromCalc()
        return data, data.parse_header(header)

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