Re: [casetta] Feedback internal transfer tool : Linux+Graph65 OK

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2007/3/18, Fabien ANDRE <fabien.andre.g@xxxxxxxxxx>:

I've tested the new transfert tool, and succeeded in receiving programs from my calculator.

 Good! Thanks for your feedback.

I'll test your new normalize function soon.

I'm now searching how to extract programs name and data from a raw backup. I saw your find_password function, and in the regular _expression_, programs names are obligatorily, followed by 5 blanck charaters (0x00), and I have a backup (see attachments) in which some program names are follow by others  charaters...

For example, I have a program called "RACINE 2" and in the raw backup, I have "RACINE 2!". same thing for "FACT PRM" and "FACT PRM5". (Program names begins at the offset 4830).

My function may have some problems. But are your sure it's programs with backups which are not followed by 5 0x00 characters? I'll check this later.

At casion, they are very strong to make stupid formats difficult to understand... but they save Passwords in plain text ....

Yes! I've stop trying to understand for long time why casio formats are so stupid.

If you have some backups and some free time (and if it is not too private), could you send me some so as I can test the regular expressions I wrote...

I've join two backups, I hope they will help (but I don't know if there are a lot of data different than programs inside...)

PS : In the newcat 0.2 format specification, you wrote "Writted by..." and that's "Written by", this will make your document look "more better" ;-)

I'll  correct this, thank you a lot!

Thesa ~ Florian Birée
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Attachment: backup-20060604.cafix
Description: application/cafix

Attachment: backup-20060901.cafix
Description: application/cafix

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