Re: [CBLX] petite question IRC |
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- To: carrefourblinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [CBLX] petite question IRC
- From: Didier Spaier <didier@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2022 10:30:28 +0100
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple;; s=default; t=1643617827; bh=MBF+rFRLVuKnKzlo9zr76TgicGiABjqK+FnUOkCYFhY=; h=Date:Subject:To:References:From:In-Reply-To:From; b=SJOJDK1B7Y0UXyQcETqvNXaa8wFkPp+txfPGbK2IrZKqFDnlOqE90tP3V9fk7HBz7 aohuYlWaeZfD2TF12LF2FPLTtVh3a/0nOaEuQO+5Pay7OMqJJ21d3yyzGBIpn63G6y oGRX359nhcoTvssW3V5v8TDFC9vBATnE0XVe9uwCJWLDieiJQBuF3fMJlwXm3EJKZI TNMAS2Sc9zRf4ean6xbSJ59PUELDPKDY4hC8UMsPKX+hy+Txfeyj+J5R6LQ5uMinTn 8QcGzZqEjdy7vewRfvSCotUIXdFFTzA5Pc+4f7ewPvHg/AsS0YXIFdqpawpReW3iu4 0Y5bgmyoz8H1A==
Bonjour Aldo,
Question: pouquoi un script?
sinon, je me suis connecté avec pidgin et aussi irssi et il n'y a que fredux_ et
moi dans ce salon.
Bonne journée
Le 31/01/2022 à 06:37, Aldo a écrit :
> Bonjour.
> Je fais partie du groupe / de la communauté Resonance MAO consacré à la
> recherche autour du son, de la musique etc, en relation avec la MAO -
> musique assistée par ordinateur, mais orienté Logiciels Libres.
> Du coup j'essaye de participer au salon chat #resonance-irc sur,
> j'ai donc resorti un tout vieux script Bash fait il y a (trop) longtemps;
> mais ça ne marche pas/plus, et bizarrement il me renvoit après mes choix au
> début de la boucle / du menu, alors que je ne vois aucun msg d'erreur.
> (J'ai essayé avec ou sans le "#" devant resonance-irc, sans effet).
> Qq'un aurait-il + d'inspiration, voici le script :
> #####
> #!/bin/bash
> # .....
> # Just put this in your /usr/local/bin dir and run the "bxm" script when
> # connected to the Internet.
> # Personalize bxm by creating a ~/.ircrc file with preferences.
> # If the rc file does not exist, it will be created now...
> RC=".ircrc"
> rm ~/$RC
> # The next 2 lines are set by default; you may recomment them if they
> # doesn't match with your personal preferences...:
> echo "sleep 7">~/$RC
> echo "/toggle log">>~/$RC
> # Note: ~/.ircrc is deleted/created after each session.
> BX="ircii"
> #BX="irc"
> # (or irssi / bitchx ...)
> NA="hohooh"
> NB="eeeteee"
> NC="blablaaah"
> #ND=""
> #NE=""
> SA=""
> SB=""
> SC=""
> #
> function F1 ()
> {
> echo "BXM - BitchX/IRC/IRCII/IRSSI Menu"
> echo
> echo Using ~/$RC with settings:
> cat ~/$RC
> echo
> echo "Select your nickname: "
> cat << EOF
> [1]: $NA
> [2]: $NB
> [3]: $NC
> [0]: Quit
> echo
> echo -ne "\a"
> read -p "Select nickname (ctrl+c / 0=quit): " NN
> case "$NN" in
> 1) Nick=$NA ;;
> 2) Nick=$NB ;;
> 3) Nick=$NC ;;
> *) clear && echo "Goodbye!" && exit 1 ;;
> esac
> #clear
> #echo "BXM - BitchX/IRC/IRCII/IRSSI Menu"
> echo
> echo "Select a chat server: "
> cat << EOF
> [1]: $SA
> [2]: $SB
> [3]: $SC
> [0]: Quit
> echo
> echo -ne "\a"
> read -p "Select chat server (ctrl+c / 0=quit): " CS
> case "$CS" in
> 1) Srv=$SA ;;
> 2) Srv=$SB ;;
> 3) Srv=$SC ;;
> *) clear && echo "Goodbye!" && exit 1 ;;
> esac
> #clear
> echo
> read -p "Specify a port if necessary: " PX
> echo
> read -p "Specify the chatroom if necessary: " RX
> setleds -num
> clear
> if test -z "$RX"
> then
> if test -z "$PX"
> then
> $BX $Nick $Srv
> exec $0
> else
> $BX $Nick $Srv:$PX
> exec $0
> fi
> else
> if test -z "$PX"
> then
> rm ~/IrcLog
> $BX $Nick $Srv -c \#$RX -l ~/$RC
> exec $0
> else
> rm ~/IrcLog
> $BX $Nick $Srv:$PX -c \#$RX -l ~/$RC
> exec $0
> fi
> fi
> }
> function F2 ()
> {
> rm ~/.IrcLog.bak
> mv ~/.IrcLog ~/.IrcLog.bak
> head -3 ~/IrcLog >~/IrcLog.tmp
> #head -1 ~/IrcLog >~/IrcLog.tmp
> grep "<*>" ~/IrcLog >>~/IrcLog.tmp
> tail -1 ~/IrcLog >>~/IrcLog.tmp
> mv ~/IrcLog ~/.IrcLog
> mv ~/IrcLog.tmp ~/IrcLog
> #less ~/IrcLog
> #links ~/IrcLog
> lynx ~/IrcLog
> #more ~/IrcLog
> exec $0
> }
> clear
> setleds +num
> echo Running BXM...
> read -p"1)Chat or 2)review previous conversation (/leave blank to exit): " CHX
> clear
> test -z "$CHX" && clear && echo Nothing to do... Quiting! && exit
> # end of script
> #####
> @+
> Aldo.
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