[CBLX] Nouvelle distribution GNU / Linux : Sonar |
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Salut à tous,
Voici une information trouvée sur le Web, en lisant ma TL Twitter :
* En anglais :
We would like to let you know about Sonar GNU/Linux an accessible distro
based of of Ubuntu 12.04. Sonar comes with to flavors one with the
Gnome-Shell as the default desktop and the other has Gnome-Classic as the
default desktop. Both of these come in 32 and 64 bit offerings. Right now
these are in beta release and you can find them over at source forge. You
can use the mailing list on Accessible Freedom for any questions about
Sonar. Please give us feedback on your experience and we will have a release
out when Ubuntu 12.10 comes out.
Source : Blog Accessible Freedom : http://accessiblefreedom.org/?p=37
Une bonne chose de pouvoir avoir directement la distribution avec gnome3 et
gnome-shell classique.
A tester, je ne l'ai pas encore fait, mais ça ne serait tarder ;)
Bon weekend à tous,
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