[CBLX] : Problème Braille sens.

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Bonjour à tous,
J'ai une erreur lors de la connexion de mon Braille sens, voir le fichier txt ci-joint.
Avez-vous une solution ?
Merci à vous.
Thomas Fauvel : Etudiant U-psud.

Configuration :

--- Beginning

# This is a configuration file template for the BRLTTY application. 
# Uncomment those entries which apply to your personal needs and system
# requirements.

# BRLTTY expects to find its configuration file in "/etc/brltty.conf"
# (can be overridden with the -f [--configuration-file=] option).
# If it doesn't exist, then BRLTTY silently continues but may require
# that certain command line options be explicitly supplied.

# Blank lines are ignored. The character '#', anywhere on a line,
# initiates a comment; all characters from it to the end of that line
# are ignored.

# Each configuration entry consists of a keyword followed by its operand.
# An arbitrary amount of white space, (blanks and/or tabs), may occur
# before the keyword, as well as before and after the operand. Keyword
# processing is not case sensitive. Examples of valid entries are:
#	Braille-Driver	pm	# Papenmeier braille displays.
#	braille-device	serial:ttyS0	# The first serial device.
#	SPEECH-DRIVER	fv	# The Festival Text to Speech System.

# The default settings given within the following descriptions assume no
# special build options (see "./configure --help" in the top-level
# directory of the source tree.

# Generic Braille Settings #

# The braille-driver directive specifies the two-letter driver
# identification code of the driver for the braille display.
# If not specified, autodetection will be performed.
# (can be overridden with the -b [--braille-driver=] option)
#braille-driver	auto	# autodetect
#braille-driver	al	# Alva
#braille-driver	at	# Albatross
#braille-driver	ba	# BrlAPI
#braille-driver	bd	# Braudi
#braille-driver	bl	# BrailleLite
#braille-driver	bm	# Baum
#braille-driver	bn	# BrailleNote
#braille-driver	cb	# CombiBraille
#braille-driver	ec	# EcoBraille
#braille-driver	eu	# EuroBraille
#braille-driver	fs	# FreedomScientific
braille-driver	hm	# HIMS
#braille-driver	ht	# HandyTech
#braille-driver	il	# IrisLinux
#braille-driver	lb	# Libbraille
#braille-driver	lt	# LogText
#braille-driver	mb	# MultiBraille
#braille-driver	md	# MDV (protocol 5)
#braille-driver	mn	# MiniBraille
#braille-driver	mt	# Metec
#braille-driver	pg	# Pegasus
#braille-driver	pm	# Papenmeier
#braille-driver	sk	# Seika
#braille-driver	tn	# TechniBraille
#braille-driver	ts	# TSI
#braille-driver	tt	# TTY
#braille-driver	vd	# VideoBraille
#braille-driver	vo	# Voyager
#braille-driver	vr	# Virtual
#braille-driver	vs	# VisioBraille
#braille-driver	xw	# XWindow

# The braille-device directive specifies the device to which the braille
# display is connected. The generic syntax is type:device. The device
# type is optional, and, for backward compatibility, defaults to serial.
# The following devices are supported (brackets indicate optionality):
#    serial:path (relative paths are anchored at "/dev")
#    usb:[serial-number]
#    bluetooth:address
# If not specified, "usb:" will be used.
# (can be overridden with the -d [--braille-device=] option)
#braille-device	serial:ttyS0	# First serial device.
braille-device	usb:		# First USB device matching braille driver.
#braille-device	usb:nnnnn	# Specific USB device by serial number.
#braille-device	bluetooth:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx	# Specific bluetooth device by address.
# NOTE: If the device is connected through a serial-to-USB adapter,
# braille-device usb: will not work, braille-device has to be set to something
# like serial:ttyUSB0, see the kernel messages on device plug to get the exact
# device name.

# The release-device directive specifies whether or not the device to which the
# braille display is connected is to be released when the current screen or
# window can't be read by BRLTTY. If not specified, "on" will be used on Windows
# platforms and "off" will be used on all other platforms.
# (can be overridden with the -r [--release-device] option)
#release-device	on	# Release the device.
#release-device	off	# Don't release the device.

# The text-table directive specifies which text table to use. Relative paths
# are anchored at "/etc/brltty". If not specified, locale-based
# autoselection with fallback to "$(SRC_TOP)$(TBL_DIR)/en-nabcc.ttb" will be performed.
# (can be overridden with the -t [--text-table=] option)
#text-table	auto	# locale-based autoselection (fallback to "$(SRC_TOP)$(TBL_DIR)/en-nabcc.ttb")
#text-table	ar	# Arabic (generic)
#text-table	as	# Assamese
#text-table	awa	# Awadhi
#text-table	bg	# Bulgarian
#text-table	bh	# Bihari
#text-table	bn	# Bengali
#text-table	bo	# Tibetan
#text-table	bra	# Braj
#text-table	cs	# Czech
#text-table	cy	# Welsh
#text-table	da	# Danish
#text-table	de	# German
#text-table	dra	# Dravidian
#text-table	el	# Greek
#text-table	en	# English
#text-table	en_CA	# English (Canada)
#text-table	en_UK	# English (United Kingdom)
#text-table	en_US	# English (United States)
#text-table	en-nabcc	# English (North American Braille Computer Code)
#text-table	eo	# Esperanto
#text-table	es	# Spanish
#text-table	et	# Estonian
#text-table	fi	# Finnish
#text-table	fr	# French
#text-table	fr_CA	# French (Canada)
#text-table	fr_FR	# French (France)
#text-table	fr-2007	# French (unified)
#text-table	fr-cbifs	# French (Code Braille Informatique Français Standard)
#text-table	ga	# Irish
#text-table	gd	# Gaelic
#text-table	gon	# Gondi
#text-table	gu	# Gujarati
#text-table	he	# Hebrew
#text-table	hi	# Hindi
#text-table	hr	# Croatian
#text-table	hu	# Hungarian
#text-table	hy	# Armenian
#text-table	is	# Icelandic
#text-table	it	# Italian
#text-table	kha	# Khasi
#text-table	kn	# Kannada
#text-table	kok	# Konkani
#text-table	kru	# Kurukh
#text-table	lt	# Lituanian
#text-table	lv	# Latvian
#text-table	mg	# Malagasy
#text-table	mi	# Maori
#text-table	ml	# Malayalam
#text-table	mni	# Manipuri
#text-table	mr	# Marathi
#text-table	mt	# Maltese
#text-table	mun	# Mundari
#text-table	mwr	# Marwari
#text-table	ne	# Nepali
#text-table	new	# Newari
#text-table	nl	# Dutch
#text-table	nl_BE	# Dutch (Belgium)
#text-table	nl_NL	# Dutch (Netherlands)
#text-table	no	# Norwegian
#text-table	no-generic	# Norwegian (with support for other languages)
#text-table	no-oub	# Norwegian (Offentlig Utvalg for Blindeskrift)
#text-table	nwc	# Old Newari
#text-table	or	# Oriya
#text-table	pa	# Panjabi
#text-table	pi	# Pali
#text-table	pl	# Polish
#text-table	pt	# Portuguese
#text-table	ro	# Romanian
#text-table	ru	# Russian
#text-table	sa	# Sanskrit
#text-table	sat	# Santali
#text-table	sd	# Sindhi
#text-table	sk	# Slovak
#text-table	sv	# Swedish
#text-table	sw	# Swahili
#text-table	ta	# Tamil
#text-table	te	# Telugu
#text-table	tr	# Turkish
#text-table	vi	# Vietnamese

# The attributes-table directive specifies which attributes table to use.
# Relative paths are anchored at "/etc/brltty". If not specified,
# "$(SRC_TOP)$(TBL_DIR)/attributes.atb" will be used.
# (can be overridden with the -a [--attributes-table=] option)
#attributes-table	attributes	#
#attributes-table	attrib	#

# The contraction-table directive specifies which contraction table to use.
# Relative paths are anchored at "/etc/brltty". If not specified, no
# contraction table will be available.
# (can be overridden with the -c [--contraction-table=] option)
#contraction-table	af	# Afrikaans (contracted)
#contraction-table	am	# Amharic (uncontracted)
#contraction-table	de-basis	# German (uncontracted)
#contraction-table	de-kurzschrift	# German (contracted - 1998 standard)
#contraction-table	de-vollschrift	# German (basic contractions)
#contraction-table	en-ueb-g2	# Unified English Braille (grade 2)
#contraction-table	en-us-g2	# American English (grade 2)
#contraction-table	es	# Spanish (grade 2)
#contraction-table	fr-abrege	# French (contracted)
#contraction-table	fr-integral	# French (uncontracted)
#contraction-table	ha	# Hausa (contracted)
#contraction-table	id	# Indonesian (contracted)
#contraction-table	ja	# Japanese (uncontracted)
#contraction-table	ko-g1	# Korean (grade 1)
#contraction-table	ko-g2	# Korean (grade 2)
#contraction-table	ko	# Korean (uncontracted)
#contraction-table	mg	# Malagasy (contracted)
#contraction-table	mun	# Munda (contracted)
#contraction-table	nl	# Dutch (contracted)
#contraction-table	ny	# Chichewa (contracted)
#contraction-table	ipa	# International Phonetic Alphabet
#contraction-table	pt	# Portuguese (grade 2)
#contraction-table	si	# Sinhalese (uncontracted)
#contraction-table	sw	# Swahili (contracted)
#contraction-table	th	# Thai (contracted)
#contraction-table	zh-tw	# Taiwanese Chinese (uncontracted)
#contraction-table	zh-tw-ucb	# Taiwanese Chinese (Unique Chinese Braille)
#contraction-table	zu	# Zulu (contracted)

# Braille Driver Parameters #

# The braille-parameters directive passes non-generic parameters through
# to the braille driver.
# (can be overridden with the -B [--braille-parameters=] option)
#braille-parameters driver:parameter=setting,...

# BrlAPI Braille Driver Parameters
#braille-parameters ba:Auth=/etc/brlapi.key
#braille-parameters ba:Host=:0

# BrailleLite Braille Driver Parameters
#braille-parameters bl:BaudRate=9600 # [300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400]
#braille-parameters bl:KbEmu=yes # [yes,no]

# Baum Braille Driver Parameters
#braille-parameters bm:Protocols=default # [default,all,native]
#braille-parameters bm:VarioKeys=no # [no,yes]

# Libbraille Braille Driver Parameters
#braille-parameters lb:Device=/dev/ttyS0 # 
#braille-parameters lb:Driver=auto # 
#braille-parameters lb:Table=us.tbl # 

# TTY Braille Driver Parameters
#braille-parameters tt:Baud=9600 # 
#braille-parameters tt:CharSet=ISO8859-1 # 
#braille-parameters tt:Columns=40 # [1-80]
#braille-parameters tt:Lines=1 # [1-3]
#braille-parameters tt:Locale= # 
#braille-parameters tt:Term=vt100 # [terminfo]

# VisioBraille Braille Driver Parameters
#braille-parameters vs:Baud=57600 # 
#braille-parameters vs:DisplaySize=40 # [20-40]
#braille-parameters vs:PromVersion=4 # [3-6]

# XWindow Braille Driver Parameters
#braille-parameters xw:Columns=40 # [1-80]
#braille-parameters xw:Font=name # []
#braille-parameters xw:Input=off # [off,on]
#braille-parameters xw:Lines=1 # [1-3]
#braille-parameters xw:Model=bare # [bare]
#braille-parameters xw:TkParms= # 

# Generic Speech Settings #

# The speech-driver directive specifies the two-letter driver
# identification code of the driver for the speech synthesizer.
# If not specified, autodetection will be performed.
# (can be overridden with the -s [--speech-driver=] option)
#speech-driver	auto	# autodetect
#speech-driver	al	# Alva
#speech-driver	bl	# BrailleLite
#speech-driver	cb	# CombiBraille
#speech-driver	es	# eSpeak (text to speech engine)
#speech-driver	fl	# FestivalLite (text to speech engine)
#speech-driver	fv	# Festival (text to speech engine)
#speech-driver	gs	# GenericSay (pipes to /usr/local/bin/say)
#speech-driver	mp	# Mikropuhe (text to speech engine)
#speech-driver	sd	# SpeechDispatcher (text to speech server)
#speech-driver	sw	# Swift (text to speech engine)
#speech-driver	th	# Theta (text to speech engine)
#speech-driver	vv	# ViaVoice (text to speech engine)
#speech-driver	xs	# ExternalSpeech (executes /usr/local/bin/externalspeech)

# The speech-fifo directive specifies the path to the FIFO used by the speech
# pass-through facility. Relative paths are anchored at "/etc/brltty".
# If not specified, the speech pass-through facility isn't enabled.
# (can be overridden with the -F [--speech-fifo=] option)
#speech-fifo	spk

# Speech Driver Parameters #

# The speech-parameters directive passes non-generic parameters through
# to the speech driver.
# (can be overridden with the -S [--speech-parameters=] option)
#speech-parameters driver:parameter=setting,...

# eSpeak Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters es:Path=
#speech-parameters es:PunctList=
#speech-parameters es:Voice=

# ExternalSpeech Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters xs:Program=/usr/local/bin/externalspeech
#speech-parameters xs:Uid=65534
#speech-parameters xs:Gid=65534

# Festival Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters fv:Command=festival # [/path/to/command]
#speech-parameters fv:Name= # [kevin,kal]

# FestivalLite Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters fl:Pitch=100 # [50-200]

# GenericSay Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters gs:Command=/usr/local/bin/say

# Mikropuhe Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters mp:Name= # [/path/to/mikropuhe/name.pu5]
#speech-parameters mp:Pitch=0 # [-10-10]

# SpeechDispatcher Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters sd:Language= # [two-letter language code]
#speech-parameters sd:Module= # [flite,festival,epos-generic,dtk-generic,...]
#speech-parameters sd:Port=6560 # [1-65535] # [1-65535]
#speech-parameters sd:Voice= # [male1,female1,male2,female2,male3,female3,child_male,child_female]

# Swift Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters sw:Name= # [voice,/path/to/voice]

# Theta Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters th:Age= # [1-99,-1--99]
#speech-parameters th:Gender= # [male,female,neuter]
#speech-parameters th:Language= # [two-letter language code]
#speech-parameters th:Name= # [voice,/path/to/voice]
#speech-parameters th:Pitch=0.0 # [-2.0-2.0]

# ViaVoice Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters vv:IniFile=/usr/lib/ViaVoiceTTS/eci.ini
#speech-parameters vv:SampleRate= # [8000,11025,22050]
#speech-parameters vv:AbbreviationMode= # [on,off]
#speech-parameters vv:NumberMode= # [word,year]
#speech-parameters vv:SynthMode= # [sentence,none]
#speech-parameters vv:TextMode= # [talk,spell,literal,phonetic]
#speech-parameters vv:Language= # [AmericanEnglish,BritishEnglish,CastilianSpanish,MexicanSpanish,StandardFrench,CanadianFrench,StandardGerman,StandardItalian,SimplifiedChinese,BrazilianPortuguese]
#speech-parameters vv:Voice= # [AdultMale,AdultFemale,Child,ElderlyFemale,ElderlyMale]
#speech-parameters vv:VocalTract= # [male,female]
#speech-parameters vv:Breathiness= # [0-100]
#speech-parameters vv:HeadSize= # [0-100]
#speech-parameters vv:PitchBaseline= # [0-100]
#speech-parameters vv:PitchFluctuation= # [0-100]
#speech-parameters vv:Roughness= # [0-100]

# Keyboard Settings #

# The key-table directive specifies which key table to use. Relative paths are
# anchored at "/etc/brltty". If not specified, no key table is used.
# (can be overridden with the -k [--key-table=] option)
#key-table	desktop	# bindings for full keyboards
#key-table	keypad	# bindings for keypad-based navigation
#key-table	laptop	# bindings for keyboards without a keypad

# The keyboard-properties directive specifies which keyboards to monitor.
# If not specified, all keyboards are monitored.
# (can be overridden with the -K [--keyboard-properties=] option)
#keyboard-properties	Type=any	# [any,ps2,usb,bluetooth]
#keyboard-properties	Vendor=0X0000	# [0X0000-0XFFFF]
#keyboard-properties	Product=0X0000	# [0X0000-0XFFFF]

# Sound Settings #

# The pcm-device directive specifies the device to use for soundcard
# digital audio. If not specified, a method- and system-dependent
# default will be used.
# (can be overridden with the -p [--pcm-device=] option)
#pcm-device	/path/to/device	# most methods
#pcm-device	pcm-handle-id	# ALSA (see second parameter of snd_pcm_open)

# The pcm-device directive specifies the device to use for the Musical
# Instrument Digital Interface. If not specified, a method- and
# system-dependent default will be used.
# (can be overridden with the -m [--midi-device=] option)
#midi-device	/path/to/device	# most methods
#midi-device	client:port	# ALSA (may use number or case-sensitive substring of name)

# Miscellaneous Settings #

# The library-directory directive specifies the absolute path to the
# directory which contains the dynamically loadable drivers. If not
# specified, /lib/brltty will be used.
# (can be overridden with the -L [--library-directory=] option)
#library-directory /lib/brltty

# The writable-directory directive specifies the absolute path to a directory
# which can be written to (creation of missing but needed resources, etc). If
# not specified, "/lib/brltty/rw" will be used.
# (can be overridden with the -W [--writable-directory=] option)
#writable-directory /lib/brltty/rw

# The data-directory directive specifies the absolute path to the directory
# which contains driver data files (help files, configuration files, etc.). If
# not specified, "/etc/brltty" will be used.
# (can be overridden with the -D [--data-directory=] option)
#data-directory /etc/brltty

# The tables-directory directive specifies the absolute path to the directory
# which contains the text, attributes, contraction, and key tables. If not
# specified, "/etc/brltty" will be used.
# (can be overridden with the -T [--tables-directory=] option)
#tables-directory /etc/brltty

# Application Programming Interface Parameters #

# The api-parameters directive passes parameters to the Application
# Programming Interface.
# (can be overridden with the -A [--api-parameters=] option)
#api-parameters parameter=setting,...

#api-parameters Auth=keyfile:/etc/brlapi.key	# Require authentication key
#api-parameters Auth=user:joe		# Allow some local user
#api-parameters Auth=group:brl		# Allow some local group
#api-parameters Host=:0			# Accept only local Unix connections
#api-parameters Host=		# Accept any internet connection.
#api-parameters StackSize=65536

# Generic Screen Settings #

# The screen-driver directive specifies the two-letter driver
# identification code of the driver for the console screen.
# (can be overridden with the -x [--screen-driver=] option)
#screen-driver	as	# AtSpi
#screen-driver	pb	# PCBIOS
#screen-driver	hd	# Hurd
#screen-driver	lx	# Linux
#screen-driver	sc	# Screen
#screen-driver	wn	# Windows

# Screen Driver Parameters #

# The screen-parameters directive passes non-generic parameters through
# to the screen driver.
# (can be overridden with the -X [--screen-parameters=] option)
#screen-parameters driver:parameter=setting,...

# AtSpi Screen Driver Parameters
#screen-parameters as:Type=text+terminal # [text,terminal,all]

# Linux Screen Driver Parameters
#screen-parameters lx:Charset=name+... # []
#screen-parameters lx:DebugSfm=no # [no,yes]
#screen-parameters lx:Hfb=auto # [auto,vga,fb,0-7]

# Windows Screen Driver Parameters
#screen-parameters wn:Root=no # [no,yes]
#screen-parameters wn:FollowFocus=yes # [yes,no]

--- End

Erreur :

Mar 13 15:10:58 debsaclay brltty[1027]: USB: interface descriptor not found: 0.0

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