[CBLX] ANNONCE - Vinux 2.0 Release Announcement/FAQ!

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Elle était attendue depuis quelques temps, mais est désormais disponible en
ligne pour tous: 
la nouvelle Vinux 2.0 (basée sur Debian Lenny) vient d'être
rendue publique dès aujourd'hui par son auteur Tony Sales.

Quelques différences majeures avec Debian:
il s'agit au départ d'un live-cd
avec la possibilité évidente d'installer;

Orca ainsi que d'autres choses bien pratiques pour les dv sont fournies clé
en main, et quelques paquets à l'origine non fournits avec une Debian sont
également fournits clé en main dans Vinux.

Histoire de ne pas trop dérouter les utilisateurs d'Ubuntu, même le mode 
"sudo" a été ajouté !

Mais surtout, Vinux 2.0 y a gagné en stabilité, grâce au méticuleux travail
de la distribution sur laquelle Vinux s'est basée: Debian donc!

Enfin, des contributions ont été aportées à Vinux afin d'améliorer le
support wi-fi et autres.

Pour le site, c'est par ici: http://vinux.org.uk

Pour l'annonce officielle, la voici:


I am happy to announce the release of Vinux 2.0! Vinux it is a
special version of Linux optimised for visually impaired users. It
is now based on Debian Lenny which currently provides a more stable
platform to build an accessible distribution on than Ubuntu does.

Vinux provides a screen-reader, full screen magnification and support
for Braille displays out of the box. It can be run from the Live CD
without making any changes to your hard drive. If you like it you can
install it to a USB thumbdrive or to your hard drive either alongside
Windows or as a complete replacement for it. There is also a virtual
version available which can run Vinux as a guest operating system
using VMWare Player on Windows. The main screen-reader/magnifier is
called Orca and the Braille display is supported by Brltty. There is
also a secondary screen-reader installed called Speakup, which is a
console based screen-reader. This is aimed at more advanced users but
can also provide a useful backup in the event of any problems. Vinux
provides a wide range of open source software including an internet
browser, a file manager, a text editor and various multimedia
applications. Vinux is designed to be a completely secure modern
desktop system for all the family, visually impaired and sighted

Vinux 2.0 is now available from:


The full Release Announcement/FAQ is here:


The instructions on how to build Vinux are here:


A discussion about the future of Vinux is here:


The Vinux Project is now trying to recruit developers and contributors
from the VI community, there is a full list of different ways in
which you can contribute to the project at the link above.

drbongo 01/09/09


  Dig that crazy beat on the drums:  VINUX !!!  The best is getting better!

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