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   Vinux 1.4 Released!

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   drbongo (English Speaker!)
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    Autres options 25 mar, 18:23
   De : "drbongo (English Speaker!)"
   Date : Wed, 25 Mar 2009 15:23:22 -0700 (PDT)
   Local : Mer 25 mar 2009 18:23
   Objet : Vinux 1.4 Released!
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   I am happy to announce the release of Vinux 1.4!

   Vinux a free and open source operating system which has been optimised
   for visually impaired
   users. It is based on the popular Ubuntu Linux distribution and built
   around the Orca
   screen-reader/magnifier. It is designed to boot your computer, log you
   in automatically
   and then start up the Orca screen-reader with Braille support. Full-
   magnification can then be activated with a simple keystroke.

   New Features for 1.4!

   Security: Unlike previous versions Vinux 1.4 has been built from
   using the Ubuntu 'mini.iso' 10MB network installation which means it
   contains all of the latest packages and security patches as of the day

   Audible Boot Prompt: The Live CD now sounds the system bell three
   when the boot prompt appears on the screen, which then gives you
   seconds to type in any cheatcodes or boot options you require.
   e.g. typing 'textonly' will boot into console only mode, you can then
   type 'yasr' to start a console based screen-reader.

   Braille Displays: The Live CD now supports a wide variety of serial
   displays in edition to the automatic detection of USB Braille
   In order to use a serial Braille display or a USB Braille display with
   different language table you simply have to type in a short code at
   boot prompt. e.g. 'alde' for an Alva Serial display using the German
   language table, or 'alude' for an Alva USB  display using the german
   language table. There are a full list of cheatcodes included in the
   'cheatcodes_braille_displays.txt' on the CD. By default Vinux supports
   USB Braille displays using the en_uk language table.

   Talking Login Screen: Once installed espeak will now ask you to enter
   your username and password when the login screen is loaded providing
   do not enable autologin during the installation process. It will not
   however echo what you type, but if you enter the wrong username and/or
   password you will be asked to enter them again. It is important that
   should not enable autologin if you are using a wifi connection as the
   manager workaround detailed below depends upon a manual login to work!

   Keyring Manager Workaround: Vinux now includes a workaround of sorts
   for the
   keyring manager which is currently inaccessible with Orca. We have set
   up a
   pre-configured keyring password 'vinux' which is retained on both the
   Live CD
   and a full install. This means that when you try to connect to a wifi
   network and Orca stops speaking when the keyring manager password
   dialog box
   opens, you simply have to type 'vinux' into this box and as long as
   autologin is not enabled you will never have to enter the keyring

   Lynx Fix: Lynx, Netrik and Firefox now use a local copy of the
   homepage as their starting URL's by default which means that you can
   open the browsers without problems whether you have an active internet
   connection or not.

   Menu Entries for Console Applications: I have added menu entries for
   of the extra console based applications provided in Vinux. This is to
   beginners who may not know the names of these applications or their
   way around
   the console to find and experiment with them more easily.

   Download Vinux 1.4 -
   Check md5sum -
   Vinux Homepage - [66]http://vinux.org.uk/index.php

   Full lists of all of the Keybindings for Vinux, Orca, Gnome and Yasr
   can be found
   in the Vinux folder in the the home directory.

   Credits: I would like to thank Osvaldo La Rosa for all his hard work
   in providing the audible beeps and the Braille display cheatcodes,
   and David Knight for suggesting the workaround for the keyring
   manager bug!

   drbongo 24/03/2009
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