[CBLX] déjà le millième Vinux téléchargé! Fwd: [vinux] 1000+ Downloads of Vinux!

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Anthony Sales, auteur du Live-CD VINUX ( cf. http://vinux.org.uk/ ), vient
d'annoncer que désormais le cap du millième téléchargement a été atteint.

J'en profite pour signaler qu'une mailingliste Vinux-Development existe sur 
GoogleGroups, malheureusement en Anglais, mais utile pour rapporter son
expérience et donner des idées d'implémentations à faire! 

----- Forwarded message from drbongo <tony.sales@xxxxxxxxxx> -----

From: drbongo 
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 17:38:12 -0800 (PST)
To: The Vinux Development Forum <vinux-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [vinux] 1000+ Downloads of Vinux!
User-Agent: G2/1.0
Reply-To: vinux-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I happy to announce that we have now officially reached  the first
1000 downloads of Vinux via  the Softpedia portal. The true number is
probably slightly higher than that as this does not include downloads
direct from the vinux.org.uk website, blinuxman.net or the RNCB
college file server.  Of course there is no guarantee that everyone
who downloaded it is using it or even tried it, but it seems there is
at least a reasonable amount of interest in this kind of specialist
accesssible distribution.

drbongo :)

----- End forwarded message -----

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