Re: [cairo-compmgr] problems with glitz

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> I'm trying to compile cairo-compmgr with glitz support, but I'm
> getting some errors.
I push a fix for this issue on git, just re grab source with git pull. 

> So, I want to know if the glitz support is really working in
> cairo-compmgr. If the answer is yes, against which version?
Yes, glitz support really work on cairo-compmgr but for now, it used
only direct rendering mode and the performance really depend on which
graphics card you use (know to work on i915, i965 and on Nvidia 8600,
8800 cards). I'm actually work to implement texture from pixmap in glitz
to have better performance on all others graphics card, I need to finish
some stuff before publish it, latest commits on cairo-compmgr which
break compilation are made for that.

Thanks for your feedback

gandalfn <gandalfn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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