Re: [cairo-compmgr] Re: magnifier plugin prove of concept

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hi, carlos

Very good job, you are in the right way.

Only some points : first instead create a window (which is redirected by
compositing), use cairo surface that you can create from root window
surface or cow surface in screen paint implementation like this:

if (!self->priv->surface)
  CCMWindow* root = ccm_screen_get_root_window(screen);
  cairo_surface_t* surface =     

  self->priv->surface = cairo_surface_create_similar(surface, w , h);

After in window paint implementation create a context from this surface
and paint window on it, like you do, but don't forget the magnifier
offset in screen:
cairo_t* ctx = cairo_create(self->priv->surface);

// Translate to -x,-y offset of magnifier to have same coords of screen
cairo_translate(ctx, -x_offset, -y_offset);
// Magnifier scale
cairo_scale(ctx, scale_x, scale_y);
// Set clip zone to size of magnifier to don't draw outsite the
magnifier surface
cairo_rectangle(ctx, 0, 0, width, height);
// Paint the window
ret = ccm_window_plugin_paint (CCM_WINDOW_PLUGIN_PARENT(plugin), window,
			       ctx, surface);

You can also in this point, test if window is visible in magnifier with
ccm_region_rect_in to don't draw it when is outside magnifier.

To finish, i think we need a new function in screen which get cow
context like this :

ccm_screen_get_context(CCMScreen* self)
  if (!self->priv->ctx)
     self->priv->ctx =             
  return self->priv->ctx;

or add this context at parameters of ccm_screen_plugin_paint.

and after in end of screen paint, we can paint the magnifier like this:

cairo_t* context = ccm_screen_get_context(screen);
cairo_set_source_surface(context, self->priv->surface, x_pos, y_pos);

I write this code very quickly, and it can contains some mistakes ;)

gandalfn <gandalfn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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