[cairo-compmgr] magnifier plugin prove of concept

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This is a initial implementation of a magnifier plugin, just as a
prove of concept.

I'm send this because I'm having the following issues:

[1] This also doens't work very well :-). The magnified screen isn't
draw right. Sometimes a window disappear, if you move a window with
ALT + clicking and moving a window over the top panel, the window will
override the panel and leave thrash in the magnified window.

[2] Some work in menu-animation and shadow plugins must be done so
they play well with the magnifier plugin.

I really need some feedback about [1], since I don't know what is
causing this. I disabled all the others plugins to try catch the
problem easily, but I don't find the problem.

The problems in [2] I don't investigate much, but regarding the
menu-animation the conflicts are in impl_ccm_window_paint, in the
cairo_translate call, since the division make the magnifier paint in
wrong positions and without the division the menu-animation paint in
wrong positions.

Regarding the shadow plugin I don't investigate anything, so I have no
idea what is wrong in the intereraction.

Best regards,


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