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I am not sure that the information below should be created as an issue on github, because its just questions.

I have started "smoking" the issue #725 deeper. The issue is about al_set_window_constraints(). Currently I am stuck with using the `ALLEGRO_MAXIMIZED` flag under GNU/Linux. Running on my box it is not working at all. I commented out some checks that prevents a creation of maximized windows, such as the function `_al_xwin_maximize()` from `xwindow.c` have. Read code, tried various things and so on.

The ending of all this is that there is only place in whole allegro code where `d->resize_count++;` is used. Everything is based around checking the field `resize_count`. A place where the field is changing is for non-programmable events (i.e. user clicks on buttons and then the field would be changed). So, I'm considering that  `ALLEGRO_MAXIMIZED`  is not implemented correctly under GNU/Linux at all.

Am I right?

The information above is correct if `ALLEGRO_GTK_TOPLEVEL` set. If this flag is not set then there is no code to create maximized window at all. Am I right here too?


With Best Regards,
Vitaliy V. Tokarev

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