Re: [AD] Fwd: Re: Additional opengl functions

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On 11/27/2016 12:12 PM, Elias Pschernig wrote:
I agree. Just a matter of opinion of course, but I feel the color _f variants are a core component and half of all Allegro programs would re-create them, while the texture offsets are something used only by a handful of people, so we can expect them to know what they are doing without providing the _f versions.

On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 11:46 PM, SiegeLord <siegelordex@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I still feel that they don't provide enough benefit for them to be added.


I feel they would be a useful addition. When you're trying to draw a texture with OpenGL, you need the exact texture coordinates of the texture for it to work. If someone is trying to draw a sub-bitmap or a bitmap that is placed on a POT texture, you need those coordinates to draw correctly, otherwise you might be drawing garbage from outside of the actual (sub) texture.

It's not that people can't do it themselves without these functions, but with these functions it would be so much easier

Why do we provide al_get_opengl_texture_size in pixels anyway? Then you have to do all the conversions yourself.

It's not like these functions would need any kind of maintenance once written either. Either they work or they don't.

I thought the point would be to make it easier to work with opengl, not harder. We want to attract people to using Allegro and OpenGL, not make it harder for them to use Allegro with OpenGL.

These functions would more than pay for themselves. Drawing one texture without these functions is one thing, but drawing many? Having to repeat useless code over and over again seems silly to me.

If they need to be renamed, or reworked, or something fine, but don't dismiss them because you don't feel they would be useful, because they would be.


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